Caffè Morettino

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Caffè Morettino

Address :

Via Enzo Biagi, 3/5, 90146 Palermo PA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99887
Website :
Categories :
City : Palermo

Via Enzo Biagi, 3/5, 90146 Palermo PA, Italy
Flavio on Google

Museo del caffè affascinante ed accogliente....gran bella visita nella storia delle fragranze e tecniche del Caffè
Charming and welcoming coffee museum .... great visit in the history of coffee fragrances and techniques
emmanuele librizzi on Google

Ottimo caffè sia al bar che a casa, da 35 anni di matrimonio a casa consumiamo solo ed esclusivamente caffè Morettino
Excellent coffee both at the bar and at home, for 35 years of marriage at home we consume only and exclusively Morettino coffee
Dott andrea imburgia sas on Google

Splendido museo del caffè, con tanti oggetti per la produzione del passato. Consigliato a tutti
Splendid coffee museum, with many objects for the production of the past. Recommended for everyone
Molini del Ponte on Google

Suona la sveglia ed è subito Caffè Morettino A casa e in Azienda compagno dei miei momenti di pausa
The alarm rings and it is immediately Caffè Morettino At home and in the company companion of my moments of pause
Michele Matranga on Google

Ho visitato lo stabilimento, rimanendo piacevolmente seguendo la spiegazioni del percorso del caffè dalla pianta alla tazzina. Degustando le tipologie di caffè ☕
I visited the establishment, staying pleasantly following the explanations of the path of the coffee from the plant to the cup. Tasting the types of coffee ☕
Massimo Gagliano on Google

Pubblicizzano caffè prodotto in Sicilia e poi non è vero! Ho chiesto info sul prodotto mediante chat è al risposta è stata evasiva e mi hanno chiuso, come si suol dire, il telefono in faccia!! In questo caso la chat in faccia. Non c'è niente da fare i soliti metodi all'italiana!
They advertise coffee produced in Sicily and then it's not true! I asked for info on the product through chat and the answer was evasive and they closed, as they say, the phone in my face !! In this case the chat in the face. There is nothing to do with the usual Italian methods!
Luigi Gullo on Google

Visitare l’azienda Morettino è rigenerante. Ti fa guardare la nostra isola con una prospettiva diversa, ti fa ben sperare sul futuro della nostra terra, poiché la Morettino spa è la dimostrazione che anche in Sicilia possono attecchire ed operare aziende di grosse dimensioni sane, ecofriendly, orientate alla qualità del prodotto. Visitare l’azienda, gustare l’arabica e la robusta nei vari metodi di preparazione, confrontarci con Nicola, consulente esperto e appassionato, visitare con Arturo Morettino il ricchissimo museo (dove è possibile ammirare pezzi provenienti da tutto il mondo) e il modernissimo impianto di produzione, è stata un’esperienza immersiva. Quella che doveva essere una breve visita ad un amico si è trasformata in un tour di circa 4 ore sul mondo del caffè. L’ospitalità del padrone di casa e la sua passione travolgente sono stati gli ingredienti di una esperienza coinvolgente. E così del caffè siamo riusciti a sentire gli odori, a percepire le differenze dei sapori, a conoscerne i tempi e le diverse modalità di estrazione. Abbiamo percepito come dentro ad una drupa di caffè c’è un universo complesso e al contempo affascinante. Complimenti alla famiglia Morettino che porta avanti questa azienda con professionalità e passione.
Visiting the Morettino company is refreshing. It makes you look at our island from a different perspective, it gives you hope for the future of our land, since Morettino spa is the demonstration that even in Sicily, healthy, eco-friendly, product-oriented large companies can take root and operate. Visit the company, taste Arabica and Robusta in the various preparation methods, talk to Nicola, an expert and passionate consultant, visit the very rich museum with Arturo Morettino (where it is possible to admire pieces from all over the world) and the ultra-modern plant production, it was an immersive experience. What was supposed to be a short visit to a friend has turned into a tour of about 4 hours on the world of coffee. The host's hospitality and his overwhelming passion were the ingredients of an engaging experience. And so we were able to smell the coffee, to perceive the differences in flavors, to know the times and the different methods of extraction. We perceived how inside a coffee drupe there is a complex and at the same time fascinating universe. Congratulations to the Morettino family who run this company with professionalism and passion.
Oliver Xia on Google

We did not have an appointment for a tour of this coffee museum, but Mr Morettino himself was so very kind to take time out of his day to spontaneously and personally show us around. He took us on a detailed journey through the history and origins of Morettino Coffee (the brand of coffee we personally enjoyed the most in Sicily, hence our visit to the roastery). The coffee museum contains a beautifully curated collection of all things coffee-related and also gives you full insight into Morettino's current production site. The whole tour reflected Mr Morettinos endless passion for his craft. It was a wonderful experience to learn about the step by step process from coffee bean origins to your great cup of Italian espresso. I can fully recommend a visit to the Morettino production site in Palermo, which houses the above mentioned coffee museum and school of coffee. They also offer barista courses and general educational courses on the history of coffee. Mr Morettino and his staff were very hospitable and accomodating despite our spontaneous show-up, but I strongly advice to make an appointment beforehand if you plan to visit.

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