Bistrò 2 dal Giacc'

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bistrò 2 dal Giacc'

Address :

Lungomare Leonardo da Vinci, 9, 60019 Senigallia AN, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 60019
Categories :
City : Senigallia

Lungomare Leonardo da Vinci, 9, 60019 Senigallia AN, Italy
Stefania Pellicani on Google

Ottimo posto per chi vuole mangiare qualcosa senza troppe pretese. Buona la pizza, cotta bene e ricca di condimento.
Great place for those who want to eat something without too many pretensions. Good pizza, well cooked and rich in seasoning.
Massimo Fantini on Google

Chiesto 2 pizze da portar via alle 7.41pm. 2 persone al tavolo. Il resto della sala era vuota. Non c'era fila ne prima, ne dopo di me. La signora mi ha detto che non potevano e non accettavano più richieste di pizza da portar via perché erano pieni !! Mi ha chiesto di tornare dopo le 9pmm Follia!! La loro capacità di fare pizze non supera i 2 tavoli. Bene, ottimo ne terrò conto per il futuro. Siamo andati al ristorante a fianco. Ci hanno accontentato con un bel sorriso. Asked for 2 pizzas to take away at 7.41pm. 2 people at the time I placed my order. The rest of the room was empty. There was no line before, nor after me. The lady told me they couldn't do it since they were no longer accepting orders for pizza take away.... because they were full !! I was very surprised. She asked me to come back after 9pm !! Crazy!! If their ability to make pizzas does not exceed 2 tables. Well no problem, I will take this into account for the future. We went to the restaurant next door. They satisfied us with a nice smile. Just don't bother yourself to stop here... They are not even friendly
Asked for 2 pizzas to take away at 7.41pm. 2 people at the table. The rest of the room was empty. There was no queue before or after me. The lady told me they couldn't and no longer accepted pizza requests to take away because they were full !! He asked me to come back after 9pm Madness !! Their ability to make pizzas does not exceed 2 tables. Well, very good I will take this into account for the future. We went to the restaurant next door. They satisfied us with a nice smile. Asked for 2 pizzas to take away at 7.41pm. 2 people at the time I placed my order. The rest of the room was empty. There was no line before, nor after me. The lady told me they couldn't do it since they were no longer accepting orders for pizza take away .... because they were full !! I was very surprised. She asked me to come back after 9pm !! Crazy !! If their ability to make pizzas does not exceed 2 tables. Well no problem, I will take this into account for the future. We went to the restaurant next door. They satisfied us with a nice smile. Just don't bother yourself to stop here ... They are not even friendly
Daniele Saturni on Google

Buona la pizza, io ho preso una tartufo, salsiccia e funghi porcini, molto buona. Buona anche la birra alla spina.
Good pizza, I had a truffle, sausage and porcini mushrooms, very good. The draft beer is also good.
Luca Di Martino on Google

Dopo aver aspettato 20 minuti, eravamo ancora al tavolo senza neanche averci servito delle bibite per l attesa... nel frattempo prendevano gli ordini di quelli arrivati dopo di noi... Direi molto deludente... Ci siamo alzati e ce ne siamo andati. Inoltre alla signora del bancone gli raccomanderei un grande secchiello di simpatia... dato le manca.... Pessimi
After waiting 20 minutes, we were still at the table without even serving us drinks for the wait ... in the meantime they were taking orders from those who arrived after us ... I would say very disappointing ... We got up and left . Also to the lady at the counter I would recommend a large bucket of sympathy ... given she lacks .... Bad
roberto s on Google

Una buona pizza a prezzi contenuti il coperto 50 centesimi.
A good pizza at reasonable prices with a cover charge of 50 cents.
Salvatore Rignanese on Google

Piccolo chioschetto niente male, situato di fronte una delle poche spiagge libere di mangia bene, nn ci sono primi ma per un pranzo veloce è più che sufficiente. Ci sono tavoli interni dove non si patisce comunque il caldo e tavoli esterni coperti da ombrelloni e tendoni. Personale cordiale.
Small kiosk not bad, located in front of one of the few free beaches in Senigallia ... you eat well, there are no first courses but for a quick lunch it is more than enough. There are indoor tables where you don't suffer from the heat anyway and outdoor tables covered by umbrellas and awnings. Friendly staff.
Onur Tanyeri on Google

Very slow service if i can eat i will tell you how it is
Natalie Duranti on Google

Great staff, ideal for a quick bite to eat while on the beach

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