Benaglia Giovanni

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Benaglia Giovanni

Address :

Via Giovanni Pascoli, 4/A, 29016 Cortemaggiore PC, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98
Postal code : 29016
Categories :
City : Cortemaggiore

Via Giovanni Pascoli, 4/A, 29016 Cortemaggiore PC, Italy
Luca197ish a on Google

Servizio ottimo ed economicamente conveniente.
Excellent and cost-effective service.
Marco Quinzani on Google

Officina ottima per riparazioni auto e revisioni,titolare e maestranze molto gentili prezzi competitivi
Excellent workshop for car repairs and overhauls, very kind owner and workers at competitive prices

Grande professionalità e rapidità di esecuzione per ogni lavoro
Great professionalism and speed of execution for every job
Luigi Moia on Google

Personale preparato e titolare in gamba cioè c'azzecca bene prezzi onesti e lavori fatti con tempistiche appropriate
Skilled and owner staff, that is, there is a good deal of honest prices and jobs done with appropriate timing
Antonella Burgazzi on Google

Sempre disponibile,competente e con il prezzo ragionevolmente giusto
Always helpful, knowledgeable and reasonably priced
Nicola Stecconi on Google

Gentilissimo e molto onesto Servizio completo da meccanico a revisione a gommista
Very kind and very honest Complete service from mechanic to overhaul to tire dealer
ross g on Google

Il " capoccia" ed i suoi due vice, con tanta passione (oggi, rara) ed esperienza, riescono sempre a toglierti dai guai, anche consigliando, e SENZA approfittarne. Tempi d'attesa minimi, eccellenti in competenza, e fondamentalmente onesti. Quanti ne conoscete, voi, così?
The "capoccia" and his two deputies, with a lot of passion (nowadays, rare) and experience, always manage to get you out of trouble, even by giving advice, and WITHOUT taking advantage of it. Minimal waiting times, excellent in competence, and fundamentally honest. How many do you know, like this?
Pedro Gomez Piacenza on Google

Staff is friendly and so professional

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