Basilica Santa Caterina

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Basilica Santa Caterina

Address :

Via Robertini, 2, 73013 Galatina LE, Italy

Postal code : 73013
Categories :
City : Galatina

Via Robertini, 2, 73013 Galatina LE, Italy
Massimo Rucci on Google

Raccomando di effettuare una visita guidata all'interno di questa basilica e nel chiostro adiacente. Non fermatevi all'esterno, entrate e rimarrete sorpresi. Costruita a fine del 1300 in stile Romanico e Gotico Pugliese, ampliando una chiesa bizantina, è un opera d'arte unica nel suo genere. Custodisce la reliquia del dito di Santa Caterina. Gli affreschi, stupendi, ad opera di allievi di Giotto, hanno ricoperto precedenti pitture meno pregiate che emergono in alcune zone. L'intero ciclo di affreschi si sviluppa da sinistra a destra, in senso rotatorio e narrano nelle tre navate la Genesi, l'apocalisse, i sacramenti e la vita di Cristo. Belle le allegorie e legate ai francescani e domenicani.
I recommend taking a guided tour of this basilica and the adjacent cloister. Do not stop outside, enter and you will be surprised. Built in the late 1300s in the Romanesque and Gothic Pugliese style, expanding a Byzantine church, it is a unique work of art of its kind. It holds the relic of the finger of Saint Catherine. The stupendous frescoes, by Giotto's students, have covered previous less valuable paintings that emerge in some areas. The entire cycle of frescoes develops from left to right, in a rotating direction and narrate in the three naves the Genesis, the apocalypse, the sacraments and the life of Christ. The allegories are beautiful and linked to the Franciscans and Dominicans.
rosa maria rodriguez lopez on Google

No perdersela los frescos son impresionantes
Do not miss it the frescoes are impressive
Francesco Martino on Google

Luogo di culto di elevatissimo livello artistico, con affreschi interni pari o superiori a chiese toscane o umbre molto più note. Visitando il Salento CI SI DEVE fermare qui. I cicli dell'Apocalisse, del Vecchio e Nuovo Testamento, il ciclo della Madonna sono completi e stupendi. Molti richiami al barocco leccese si integrano perfettamente allo stile prettamente gotico dell'interno.
A place of worship of the highest artistic level, with interior frescoes equal to or greater than much better known Tuscan or Umbrian churches. Visiting the Salento YOU ​​MUST stop here. The cycles of the Apocalypse, the Old and New Testament, the cycle of the Madonna are complete and wonderful. Many references to the Baroque of Lecce are perfectly integrated with the purely Gothic style of the interior.
Roberto “ROB” on Google

Luogo magico, tenuto benissimo. Bellissimo anche il chiostro. La Basilica da sola vale un viaggio!
Magical place, very well kept. The cloister is also beautiful. The Basilica alone is worth a trip!
Marcella Garau on Google

Un vero spettacolo, da restare a bocca aperta !
A real spectacle, to be left open-mouthed!
Dario Cugis on Google

Chiesa davvero stupenda e spettacolare. Ogni affresco è un qualche cosa di meraviglioso. È valorizzata al punto giusto ma secondo me poco conosciuta ed avrebbe bisogno di una maggiore pubblicizzazione.
Truly stunning and spectacular church. Each fresco is something wonderful. It is valued at the right point but in my opinion little known and would need more publicity.
Julien Schutz on Google

Sailing accros the island with Velambiente was a great expérience !
Huykyung “Grace” Byun on Google

The basilica was built between 1369 and 1391, by order of Raimondello Orsini del Balzo. These, on one of his many journeys, returning from the Crusades, went as far as the summit of Mount Sinai to pay homage to the body of Saint Catherine; according to legend, when he left, he kissed the saint's hand, snatching her finger with his teeth. Back in Italy he brought with him the relic which, set in a silver reliquary, is still preserved in the church treasury. The building, on Raimondello's death in 1405, will be completed by his wife, Princess Maria d'Enghien, and then by his son, Giovanni Antonio Orsini Del Balzo. The building was built on a pre-existing Byzantine church of Greek rite dating from the IX-X century whose traces are clearly visible in the outer wall of the right aisle where it was incorporated, perhaps to save building material, the apse.

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