Antonio Cardarelli Hospital

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Antonio Cardarelli Hospital

Address :

Via Antonio Cardarelli, 9, 80131 Napoli NA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9877
Categories :
City : Napoli

Via Antonio Cardarelli, 9, 80131 Napoli NA, Italy
Domenico di Santo on Google

Io sono molto meravigliato del fatto che la più grande e storica struttura ricettiva ospedaliera del sud Italia che può vantare senza ombra di dubbi medici e professori di spicco nei vari settori specialistici abbia, di contro, un servizio di centralino per nulla efficiente! Almeno per quanto mi riguarda! Avere un congiunto ivi trasportato da altra Clinica per un imprevisto e sentirsi chiamare da un numero generico di sole 4 cifre oltre il prefisso, dover fare una ricerca per capire da chi sia giunta la telefonata, privare a richiamare seguendo la legenda preregistrata con inserimento delle cifre potenzialmente di riferimento e non ricevere nessuna risposta anche se si chiede di parlare con un operatore del centralino è il massimo che ci si possa aspettare! Ma, sai?? Oggi è domenica! Certo! Ma se ti chiamano e richiami, perché nessuno risponde de???? Inoltre quel centralino non dovrebbe avere delle turnazioni h24?? Fare 15 o 20 telefonate per sapere qualcosa è una cosa impossibile! Spero che la Direzione Sanitaria approfondisca questa situazione! Per me? No! Perché
I am very amazed that the largest and most historic hospital accommodation facility in southern Italy that can boast without a shadow of doubts prominent doctors and professors in the various specialist sectors has, on the other hand, a switchboard service that is not at all efficient! At least as far as I'm concerned! Having a relative transported there from another clinic due to an unforeseen event and being called by a generic number of only 4 digits in addition to the area code, having to do a search to understand who the call came from, depriving to call back following the pre-recorded legend with digit insertion potentially reference and not receiving any response even if you ask to speak to a switchboard operator is the best you can expect! But you know?? Today is Sunday! Sure! But if they call you and you call back, why does no one answer de ???? Furthermore, shouldn't that switchboard have 24-hour shifts? Making 15 or 20 phone calls to find out something is impossible! I hope that the Health Department will investigate this situation! For me? No! Because
Irma Marano on Google

Grazie a tutto lo staff del reparto epatobiliare, persone encomiabili. Un grazie particolare al dottor Arenga, persona estremamente disponibile (un medico come pochi al mondo) e al primario Vinnarecci che hanno tentato un operazione lunga e complicata. La struttura presenta delle carenze legate all'organizzazione amministrativa e alla penuria di posti . Sicuramente una struttura come questa, un'eccellenza nel settore trapianti fegato e interventi tumorali, necessiterebbe di più personale e sale operatorie altrimenti inevitabilmente gli interventi slittano anche di mesi nonostante l'abnegazione del personale medico ed infermieristico. Il bacino d'utenza è immenso e non dovrebbero tradire le aspettative di pazienti e familiari né vanificare l' immenso lavoro dello staff ospedaliero con i tagli alla sanità o disorganizzazione.
Thanks to all the staff of the hepatobiliary department, commendable people. A special thanks to Dr. Arenga, an extremely helpful person (a doctor like few in the world) and to the head physician Vinnarecci who attempted a long and complicated operation. The structure has some shortcomings related to the administrative organization and the shortage of places. Surely a structure like this, an excellence in the liver transplantation and cancer interventions sector, would need more staff and operating theaters, otherwise the interventions inevitably slip even for months despite the self-denial of the medical and nursing staff. The catchment area is immense and should not betray the expectations of patients and family members or frustrate the immense work of the hospital staff with cuts in health care or disorganization.
Екатерина Дзень on Google

excellent medical center for training young doctors
Toni Zuba on Google

Horrible experience!!! No one spoke English, there was no air conditioning, flies everywhere, no way to identify patients. It took me an hour and a half to find my husband because there are so many emergency departments!! It was so bad, my husband doesn't ever want to go to Europe again! Thank God we live in the United States. God bless America!!!! I can't believe I didn't think to take any pictures......
Dilhani Gunasekara on Google

I am tikiri nirosha from sri lanka ?? ?? ?? I got admitted to the hospital because i had a heart attack . Thanks to doctors i am still alive . From the moment i went to hospital , to the moment i left the hospital , everyone took care of me so kindly . Thank you for all ! Every and all of you are angels .?? ?? ???‍♀️ ?‍♂️ ❤ ❤ ❤ Buana anno 2021
Kinga L. on Google

Shocking and dangerous! It should be shut down. Extremely dirty, people die in Intensive care unit and staff even doesn't notice! My family member stayed at the Intensive Care unit: Very limited number of nurses and doctors who are never available. Everything is so extremely dirty, there was no single thing that was clean, used gloves on the floor, containers with some body fluids on the floor in the corridor, just dirt everywhere. I dont think they have any rules of care in place. Its a dangerous place that should be shut down immediately.
Aris Lampridis on Google

Only go there if you are dying.. even if you are almost dying, won't make any difference until you start dying; and if you are dying but not speaking Italian, you are good as dead. Don't get fooled, there are 2 stages ofwaiting, the first is ok, the internal one is like of WW2. Personnel as cynical as, you are not the only one with health problems around here.. after 6-7h of waiting I left without even seeing a doctor, I was really bad but I guess if I was to die I would had died on waiting areas. No opinion about doctors, if I had seen one would had made sense
joanna demaret on Google

Very crowded, nasty police on the doors, no kindness. I was in A&E for 14 hours with my son, he was on a trolley, but l didn't even have a chair!

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