Ambasciata della Repubblica del Kazakhstan

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ambasciata della Repubblica del Kazakhstan

Address :

Via Cassia, 471, 00189 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9
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Categories :
City : Roma

Via Cassia, 471, 00189 Roma RM, Italy
luigi matino on Google

Personale cortese e disponibile. Non chiari i documenti che si devono esibire per il nulla oste per sosarsi, in quanto poi li non li prendono tutti. Quindi tempo e danaro sprecati.attenti quando andate e ritirare i documenti firmati dal console, in caso di apostolato, assicuratevi prima quando siete in consolato, che la firma del console sia depositata presso la vostra prefettura di competenza, altrimenti rischiate di perdere molto tempo.come e capitato a me.
Courteous and helpful staff. Do not clarify the documents that you have to show for the innkeeper nothing to lose, because then they do not take them all. So wasted time and money. Be careful when you go and pick up the documents signed by the consul, in case of apostolate, first make sure when you are at the consulate, that the consul's signature is deposited with your competent prefecture, otherwise you risk losing a lot of time. how it happened to me.
vincenzo marsella on Google

Situata al civico 471 della via Cassia, sulla sommità di un promontorio e circondata da ettari di parco, sorge la Villa che il mondo esoterico ha reso protagonista di vicende al limite del paranormale, ampiamente alimentate da credenze popolari. Occorre andare a ritroso nel tempo per scoprire da dove derivi l’aspetto ‘maledetto’ di quella che è una sontuosa dimora degli anni Venti, costruita su terrazzamenti, riccamente adornata di marmi, stucchi, decorazioni degne di un palazzo reale, progettata dall’architetto Armando Brasini – tra i più noti e prolifici del periodo fascista. La villa fu progettata per volontà dei Conti Manzoni, ma il pianoro prescelto per l’edificazione aveva già ospitato in precedenza una ricca dimora romana, quella di Lucio Vero. Gli scavi archeologici hanno riesumato statue, mosaici, affreschi, marmi pregiati, testimonianze di una dimora lussuosa risalente a quasi due millenni fa – i reperti sono oggi sparsi in diversi musei. Fu in effetti la villa di Lucio Vero a scaturire la maledizione di quel luogo, perché nel costruirla si commise l’imprudenza di profanare un luogo sacro agli etruschi. Una necropoli, ma anche un luogo di cerimonie e riti religiosi antichissimi, a pochi chilometri dall’antica città di Veio, che si dice sia raggiungibile tramite cunicoli scavati nella roccia sotto la collina. Spiriti vecchi di tremila anni si aggirerebbero ancora tra i meandri della villa e dei suoi cunicoli sotterranei; le voci su riti satanici, urla inspiegabili, apparizioni terrificanti hanno contribuito alla nomea ‘maledetta’ della villa. Fino a qualche anno fa, Villa Manzoni giaceva in stato di abbandono sin dagli anni ’50. Nel 2003 una multinazionale americana la comprò, ma pare che strani fenomeni avvenuti indussero la società a disfarsene il prima possibile, ed è dall’anno successivo che divenne la restaurata sede dell’ambasciata kazaka.
Located at number 471 of the Via Cassia, on the top of a promontory and surrounded by hectares of park, stands the Villa that the esoteric world has made the protagonist of events on the verge of the paranormal, largely fueled by popular beliefs. It is necessary to go back in time to discover where the 'cursed' aspect of what is a sumptuous 1920s residence comes from, built on terraces, richly adorned with marble, stucco, decorations worthy of a royal palace, designed by the architect Armando Brasini - one of the best known and most prolific of the fascist period. The villa was designed by the will of the Manzoni Counts, but the plateau chosen for the construction had previously hosted a rich Roman residence, that of Lucio Vero. Archaeological excavations have unearthed statues, mosaics, frescoes, precious marbles, evidence of a luxurious residence dating back almost two millennia - the finds are now scattered in several museums. It was in fact the villa of Lucio Vero that gave rise to the curse of that place, because in building it they committed the imprudence of desecrating a place sacred to the Etruscans. A necropolis, but also a place of ancient ceremonies and religious rites, a few kilometers from the ancient city of Veii, which is said to be reached via tunnels dug into the rock under the hill. Spirits three thousand years old would still roam the meanders of the villa and its underground passages; the rumors of satanic rites, inexplicable screams, terrifying apparitions have contributed to the villa's 'cursed' reputation. Until a few years ago, Villa Manzoni had been in a state of neglect since the 1950s. In 2003 an American multinational bought it, but it seems that strange phenomena that occurred led the company to discard it as soon as possible, and it was the following year that it became the restored headquarters of the Kazakh embassy.
riccardo magnaterra on Google

L'edificio ha la sua bellezza, sembra non trovarsi affacciato sulla Cassia. Entri ed è un'altro mondo. Per i servizi, sono ormai 5 anni che ho bisogno di loro, e mi hanno sempre fornito un ottimo appoggio tecnico.
The building has its beauty, it seems not to be overlooking the Cassia. You enter and it's another world. For services, I have needed them for 5 years now, and they have always provided me with excellent technical support.
Nataliya Anatolievna Akinina on Google

Я приехала из Турине за пол часа до закрытия консульство отдела и меня приняли все равно и не смотря неначто приняли документы. Огромная благодарность всему консульскому отделу! Вы супер ,молодцы!я вас лично благодарю и горжусь Казахстаном и его служащим в Италии! До скорой встречи !Горжусь Вами!
I arrived from Turin half an hour before the closure of the consulate of the department and I was accepted anyway and in spite of the fact that the documents were accepted. Many thanks to the entire consular department! You are super, well done! I personally thank you and am proud of Kazakhstan and its employees in Italy! See you soon, I'm proud of you!
Максим Перевалов on Google

Всё на высшем уровне!!! Отзывчивый персонал, готовый помочь!!! Консул готовый пойти на встречу, находя выходы с любой ситуации! И ещё огромное спасибо девушке, которая выручила меня! Оплатив при помощи банкомата, так в этот день при мне были только наличные!!! Спасибо огромное!!!!!! Хоть я и гражданин Украины, я горжусь что родился в такой прекрасной стране, с такими замечательными людьми!!!
All at the highest level!!! Responsive personnel, ready to help !!! Consul ready to go to the meeting, finding out exits from any situation! And more thanks thanks to the girl who helped me out! Paying for an ATM, so on this day, with me there were only cash !!! Thanks a lot!!!!!! Although I am a citizen of Ukraine, I am proud of what was born in such a beautiful country, with such wonderful people !!!
M CM on Google

Nice job done. Tnx
Nicola Domanin on Google

Unprofessional 'i don't know call somebody else'
Giulio on Google

You call, she answers and says 'you must call later, we answer the phone only after 12'

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