Alfonso Gianluca Gucciardo Medico delle Arti e dello Spettacolo

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Contact Alfonso Gianluca Gucciardo Medico delle Arti e dello Spettacolo

Address :

Via delle Alpi, 11, 90144 Palermo PA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98787
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City : Palermo

Via delle Alpi, 11, 90144 Palermo PA, Italy
Rita Antoniazzi on Google

Sono una logopedista e ho avuto la fortuna di conoscere il dottor Gucciardo dal punto di vista professionale, ma soprattutto umano. E’ una persona e un medico di grande preparazione e attento ascolto che comprende e valorizza le competenze delle figure professionali con le quali viene in contatto. Per me una crescita e uno stimolo!
I am a speech therapist and I was lucky enough to know Dr. Gucciardo from a professional point of view, but above all from a human point of view. He is a highly trained and attentive person and doctor who understands and values ​​the skills of the professionals with whom he comes into contact. For me a growth and a stimulus!
Anna Esposito on Google

Ho disfonia spasmodica da circa 7 anni. Dopo decine di visite e controlli in giro per l'Italia in cerca di uno specialista che potesse aiutarmi, purtroppo senza ottenere risultati, ero rassegnata a vivere pronunciando una parola per volta e con grande fatica, o a tacere. Poi finalmente ho conosciuto il Dottor Gucciardo! Dopo una visita accuratissima ha subito inquadrato il problema e mi ha proposto una terapia che dopo solo un mese mi ha giá dato grande miglioramento nella fonazione. Mi sento molto meglio e, in più, ho finalmente ritrovato la speranza. Le parole non sono sufficienti per descrivere la disponibilità, la gentilezza, l'umanità e la comprensione che ho trovato in questo grande specialista. Grazie Dr. Gucciardo, GRAZIE DI CUORE
I have spasmodic disfony for about 7 years. After dozens of visits and controls around Italy in search of a specialist who could help me, unfortunately without achieving results, I was resigned to live by pronouncing a word at a time and with great effort, or to keep silent. Then I finally met Dr. Dr.! After a very accurate visit he immediately framed the problem and proposed a therapy that after only one month he already gave me great improvement in the phonation. I feel much better and, more, I finally found hope. Words are not sufficient to describe availability, kindness, humanity and understanding that I found in this great specialist. Thanks Dr. Gucciardo, thank you

Dear Mr Gianluca, We got the honor at Usek University at Lebanon to get this master class with you and Lucciya , we appreciate your professionalism of voices' technical way, to teach us to protect our voices and sing better... We just use your lessons and exercises that you present to us... My husband and me we tryed what you teach us and we share it with friends to show them the practical lessons that we recorded and really it was a big support to a professional voice technique... Best respects and love Rania El Khoueiry Mrad
Diego Domingos on Google

I met Gian at an international Seminar on Art and Medicine, held by Professor Juliana Mota, through the Graduations in Theater at the Universidade Federal de São joão del-Rei. His passage through Brazil expresses one of the best artistic experiences I had during my training as an actor, teacher and performer. The work done by Gianluca is certainly an interesting journey into the confines of our soul. Their search, in addition to unfolding art and human sensitivity, mobilizes content allocated in our unconscious in order to bring them, understand them and practice them in our present. In the end, I highlight the fact that Gianluca's work is increasingly imminent and, through artistic expression, provided me with a true reflection on health and, at the same time, labor medicine aimed at the artist and his way of producing and performing the arts. contemporary scenes around the world. It was quite an experience. It was a ride inside myself.
ismail ahmed on Google

This Doctor is very professional and he knows how to treat his patients. Wish you all the best.
Luiz Augusto Martins on Google

Deeply gratifying to be able to be interconnected with the research and practices undertaken by Gianlucca. As a doctor and as a researcher, he connects these two aspects of exercise deeply through the practice of the human voice.
Guto Martins on Google

Doctor Gianlucca, demonstrates a profound scientific and practical commitment in relation to vocal medicine for the scene. In this area, so specific and peculiar, he maintains an intense activity as a researcher and philosopher, who demonstrates constant concern with the updates and advances in this intensely interdisciplinary medical practice.
Frances Caponetto on Google

Honored to know a splendid person like you doctor Gucciardo. The Experience we had at my School was so great, all my students were happy to have so much information from you and I was greatful myself. Thank you so much, can't wait for our next masterclass

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