Agnese Sogna Sempre (Wedding Planner)

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Contact Agnese Sogna Sempre (Wedding Planner)

Address :

Viale Luigi Cadorna, 18, 21052 Busto Arsizio VA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +978
Postal code : 21052
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Busto Arsizio

Viale Luigi Cadorna, 18, 21052 Busto Arsizio VA, Italy
Eleonora Motta on Google

...SOGNA SEMPRE! Sognare sempre o fare di un sogno una realtà? Entrambi! Grazie a Manu abbiamo potuto vivere la nostra giornata nel migliore dei modi: non potevamo chiedere di meglio. Manu è energia, è vita, è guida. Manu ci ha incoraggiati, sostenuti ed accompagnati al 21 settembre con cura e dedizione. Non ci ha mai fatto sentire soli e ci ha aiutato a superare anche i momenti più difficili di quest'anno. Ci siamo affidati alla sua professionalità e ...abbiamo fatto benissimo! Se tornassimo indietro non modificheremmo nulla, nemmeno un attimo. GRAZIE di cuore, cara e dolce Manu. Un abbraccio Ele e Davide
...DREAM ALWAYS! Always dreaming or making a dream a reality? Both of them! Thanks to Manu we were able to live our day in the best way: we couldn't ask for better. Manu is energy, life, guide. Manu encouraged, supported and accompanied us to September 21st with care and dedication. He never made us feel alone and helped us overcome even the most difficult moments of this year. We relied on his professionalism and ... we did very well! If we went back we would not change anything, not even for a moment. THANK YOU from the heart, dear and sweet Manu. A hug Ele and Davide
Giacomo Cassani on Google

Come tante altre coppie, abbiamo trascorso il 2020 tra i “se” e i “forse” di chi è stato costretto a posticipare il proprio matrimonio causa Covid. Manu è stata fin da subito il nostro punto di riferimento e la nostra unica certezza! Bravissima a capire le nostre esigenze e la nostra personalità, Manu ha saputo trovare i fornitori perfetti per noi, progettando il matrimonio nei minimi dettagli e guidandoci passo dopo passo verso il nostro grande giorno. Fondamentale la sua presenza durante l’evento! La sua professionalità ha fatto sì che tutto fosse perfettamente organizzato, permettendoci di vivere una giornata indimenticabile senza preoccupazioni. Sara & Giacomo
Like many other couples, we spent 2020 between the "ifs" and "maybes" of those who were forced to postpone their marriage due to Covid. Manu was immediately our point of reference and our only certainty! Very good at understanding our needs and our personality, Manu was able to find the perfect suppliers for us, planning the wedding down to the smallest detail and guiding us step by step towards our big day. His presence during the event is fundamental! His professionalism meant that everything was perfectly organized, allowing us to live an unforgettable day without worries. Sara & Giacomo
Irene Grillo on Google

Eccoci qua... dal nostro giorno speciale è passato oltre 1 mese.. e ogni volta che i miei pensieri vanno là.. il cuore si riempie di emozione... il nostro matrimonio è stato meraviglioso! Oltre le nostre aspettative...! Ogni cosa è stata splendida, nella pianificazione, nell'organizzazione, nello svolgimento, nella scelta delle persone che hanno collaborato a renderlo tale, nelle energie che vibravano in quei giorni... e per questo noi dobbiamo ringraziare Manuela... è stata una professionista impeccabile: molto abile nel capire le nostre esigenze e il mood che avremmo voluto dare al nostro evento, (anche le nostre grafiche parlavano di noi e ci risuonano moltissimo!); molto capace nel contattare e sollecitare, quando ce n'è stato bisogno, i fornitori; dolce e gentile con noi e con gli ospiti.. mi sono fidata e affidata anche nella scelta dei professionisti per foto e video.. e mi ha presentato Gabriella, dalla quale ho trovato il mio splendido abito da sposa...❤ Ogni aspetto è stato curato e studiato, la sua presenza è sempre stata per noi rassicurante e puntuale... non solo nei mesi di preparazione, ma anche durante la nostra 3 giorni nella nostra Formentera... E non ultimo...Manuela non è solo una bravissima professionista, ma una persona speciale che abbiamo incontrato sul nostro cammino... per caso?! No... certamente non per caso! .. ma è splendido che ci siamo trovati... e che da questa esperienza, che rimarrà per sempre nei nostri cuori, sia nata un'amicizia... Grazie cara Manu... con tutto il cuore! Ti vogliamo bene.. Irene e Tommaso
Here we are ... over 1 month has passed since our special day .. and every time my thoughts go there .. my heart fills with emotion ... our wedding was wonderful! Beyond our expectations ...! Everything was splendid, in the planning, in the organization, in the development, in the choice of the people who collaborated to make it so, in the energies that vibrated in those days ... and for this we have to thank Manuela ... it was a impeccable professional: very skilled in understanding our needs and the mood we would have liked to give to our event, (even our graphics talked about us and resonate with us a lot!); very capable in contacting and soliciting suppliers when needed; sweet and kind with us and with the guests .. I trusted and trusted also in the choice of professionals for photos and videos .. and introduced me to Gabriella, from whom I found my beautiful wedding dress ... ❤ Every aspect has been taken care of and studied, his presence has always been reassuring and punctual for us ... not only in the months of preparation, but also during our 3 days in our Formentera ... And last but not least ... Manuela is not only a very good professional, but a special person we met on our path ... by chance ?! No ... certainly not by chance! .. but it is wonderful that we found each other ... and that from this experience, which will remain forever in our hearts, a friendship was born ... Thank you dear Manu ... with all my heart! We love you .. Irene and Tommaso
Luca Cassani on Google

Manu cara, scegliere te come punto di riferimento per l’organizzazione del nostro matrimonio è stata una scelta che rifaremmo mille volte! Nonostante le circostanze non fossero semplici da gestire, tra le incertezze dalla pandemia e la nostra vita all’estero, ci siamo visti di persona una volta sola e tuttavia ti abbiamo sempre sentita vicina e presente. Ti sei dimostrata una grande professionista, preparata e disponibile, sempre pronta ad ascoltarci, hai saputo leggere il nostro stile e hai costruito un evento perfetto per noi. Ma soprattutto ti sei rivelata una splendida persona, dentro e fuori, positiva, allegra, creativa, discreta ma decisa, alla mano ma di grande classe...una persona che è proprio bello avere vicino nel giorno del proprio matrimonio e nei mesi precedenti Non contiamo più il numero di invitati che si sono complimentati per il meraviglioso evento che hai saputo creare, sia italiani che stranieri hai lasciato tutti a bocca aperta. Grazie. Mille baci e auguri di tanto bene da Londra
Dear Manu, choosing you as a point of reference for organizing our wedding was a choice that we would make a thousand times! Although the circumstances were not easy to manage, between the uncertainties of the pandemic and our life abroad, we met in person only once and yet we always felt you were close and present. You have proved to be a great professional, prepared and available, always ready to listen to us, you have been able to read our style and have built a perfect event for us. But above all you have turned out to be a wonderful person, inside and out, positive, cheerful, creative, discreet but decisive, easy-going but of great class ... a person who is really nice to have near on your wedding day and in the previous months. We no longer count the number of guests who complimented the wonderful event you were able to create, both Italians and foreigners, you left everyone speechless. Thanks. A thousand kisses and good wishes from London
Scott's on Google

Carole Kirn on Google

If you’re looking for an amazing wedding planner for your destination wedding in Italy, look no further! Manuela has helped us plan everything, even helping us with the legal part of the ceremony, and she was truly the best!! She took the time to getting to know us, listening to our wants and needs, was super available, organized and professional. She has a great network of vendors that she trusts and recommends without imposing and has been truly dedicated to designing the wedding of our dreams. From designing our stationary to rearranging the table plan last minute, she has put all of her talent and creativity to be the best partner we could have hoped for to plan this day. Distance has never been a problem, we worked a lot with emails and WhatsApp and she took the time off her weekends whenever we would visit to take us through all the milestones needed. Overtime, she has become a friend and it was always a pleasure to see her and her wonderful family. Manuela works with her heart and it’s inspiring to see how she does it all! If we were to do it again, we wouldn’t change a thing and would have Manuela by our side!
Sandra Fahmy on Google

We looked for many wedding planners before we felt comfortable to trust and rely on Manuela for one of the most important occasions of our lives! Thank you Manuela for making my dream wedding in Italy become a reality! One of the days I look back to with so much joy and love in my heart... Manuela managed to help us plan an abroad wedding in the middle of COVID crisis !! She was great at communicating with all the vendors, negotiating deals, helping us stick to our budget, providing us with different options and ensuring that there were no problems on the day. I was able to be completely relaxed and at peace on the wedding morning because I knew that she was organising and preparing everything for me. Lots of love Sandra and Michael
Anja AM on Google

We found Manuela from Agnese Sogna Sempre in summer 2019 after some research and having spoken to many others. It was the best choice we could have made. Without Manuela, nothing would have been possible the way it was. She handles suppliers, timelines, to-dos, bills and all the smaller and larger things a non-professional easily forgets. In addition, she took care of the entire stationery which was a huge success with all the guests. Her creative mind and vast experience are priceless. On top of it all, five months before our planned wedding date in July 2020, the COVID pandemic changed everything. Notwithstanding the difficulties for everyone involved, Manuela was a reassuring presence along the way, making postponement arrangements while keeping up the good spirits that one day, we would make it. We finally did in July 2021, with all the magic Manuela helped creating. During this entire experience, we encountered a lot of insecurities, difficult moments and decisions, but we found a true friend in Manuela. To any couple planning their wedding in Italy (or Europe), you would do a mistake not working with Manuela. She is the best, both professionally and as a human being.

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