
3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Abbiategrasso

Address :

20081 Abbiategrasso MI, Italy

Postal code : 20081
Categories :
City : Abbiategrasso

20081 Abbiategrasso MI, Italy
Walter Amodeo on Google

Città con centro storico, castello , ex convento annunciata da visitare...molti ristoranti di buona fattura....pasticcerie in centro top....per gli amanti della bici...tante piste ciclabili e panorami incantevoli lungo il paese di Morimondo li vicino da visitare con stupenda Abbazia
City with historic center, castle, former convent announced to visit ... many well-made restaurants .... top pastry shops in the center .... for bike lovers ... many cycle paths and enchanting views along the canal. ..the town of Morimondo near them to visit with its beautiful Abbey
Daniele Ducci on Google

Passaggio a livello abbassato venti minuti prima del passaggio del treno, e questo avviene con regolarità, con traffico congestionato fino alla statale. Domanda, ma al personale viene fatta una perizia psichiatrica prima dell'assunzione?
Level crossing lowered twenty minutes before the train passes, and this happens regularly, with congested traffic up to the highway. Question, but do staff get a psychiatric examination before they are hired?
S White on Google

il gradino per salire o scendere dal treno è davvero una cosa oscena…. e molto pericolosa
the step to get on or off the train is really obscene…. and very dangerous
Vittoria Milesi on Google

Mi spiace dirlo ma da quando hanno chiuso la biglietteria hanno creato un bell problema vorrei togliere delle stelle da 5 ne darei 2 ma non riesco ha levarle.
I'm sorry to say but since they closed the ticket office they created a nice problem I would like to remove the 5 stars I would give 2 but I can't remove them.
Gianluca Fanizza on Google

Per me rimane sempre uno dei posti più belli. Il centro storico , il castello , il convento dell’annunciata , il Ticino con il suo Parco , le campagne e tutti gli angoli nascosti della mia città
For me it always remains one of the most beautiful places. The historic center, the castle, the convent of the annunciata, Ticino with its park, the countryside and all the hidden corners of my city
Anjali Edwin on Google

LouannaNEGUT Gmail on Google

For us was a quick stop in one very rainy Sunday. Change come soon an all goes well. We arrive in Milan in No Time :) .
Matteo Bittanti on Google

The train station in Abbiategrasso is a textbook example of a tragically dysfunctional infrastructure "managed" by Trenord. I would recommend touring the adjacent third-rate "parking lot", where cars pile up on top of each other, Italian-style. No planning, no logic, nothing that resembles any rational development. This outrageous "parking lot" - like many similar structures "attached" to railway stations around Milan - was likely designed without any architectural skills (or *any* skills) whatsoever. Trenord has been a tremendous boon to the car industry: faced with such levels of incompetence, unreliability, and consistent discomfort, a commuter is left with one choice and one choice only: to drive. The most paradigmatic example of Trenord incompetence is their app, which, since October 1st 2019, does not allow travellers to buy tickets from Albairate to Milan. When asked, the company rep suggested to buy a paper ticket instead. Trenord is a total joke.

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