Top 10 enterprises in the Chamber of Commerce industry

Azienda Speciale Agenzia Di Sviluppo Della C.C.I.A.A. Di Chieti

Largo Gian Battista Vico, 3, 66100 Chieti CH, Italy

Phone: +390871354353

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Largo Gian Battista Vico, 3, 66100 Chieti CH, Italy

Business category: Chamber of Commerce

City: Chieti

Camera Di Commercio Chieti

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 6 Reviews

66100 Chieti CH, Italy

Phone: +3908713541

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66100 Chieti CH, Italy

Business category: Chamber of Commerce

City: Chieti

Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 8 Reviews

Largo Gian Battista Vico, 3, 66100 Chieti CH, Italy

Phone: +3908713541

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Largo Gian Battista Vico, 3, 66100 Chieti CH, Italy

Business category: Chamber of Commerce

City: Chieti


Largo Gian Battista Vico, 3, 66100 Chieti CH, Italy

Phone: +390871354314

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Largo Gian Battista Vico, 3, 66100 Chieti CH, Italy

Business category: Chamber of Commerce

City: Chieti

Camera Di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura del Gran Sasso d'Italia - Sede di Teramo

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 8 Reviews

Via Francesco Savini, 48, 64100 Teramo TE, Italy

Phone: +3908613351

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Via Francesco Savini, 48, 64100 Teramo TE, Italy

Business category: Chamber of Commerce

City: Teramo