YanYu Restaurant

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact YanYu Restaurant

Address :

Via Aristotile Fioravanti, 34/36, 20154 Milano MI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98988
Opening hours :
Sunday 11AM–11:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–11:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–11:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–11:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–11:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–11:30PM
Saturday 11:30AM–11:30PM
Categories :
City : Milano

Via Aristotile Fioravanti, 34/36, 20154 Milano MI, Italy
Alessandro on Google

Se volete addentrarvi nella TRUE CHINA questo è il posto giusto. Zero compromessi questa è la vera cucina cinese
If you want to go into TRUE CHINA this is the right place. Zero compromises this is true Chinese cuisine
Stefano Colombo on Google

Mangiare pessimo di pessima qualità pagato caro 86 € mangiato male non ci torno più. Solo un po di anni fa sono andato mangiato manzo era veramente buono . Forse cambiata gestione o cuoco voto 1 Sono tornato sperando che le cose fossero cambiate . E invece peggio zuppe senza gusto . Costine immangiabile . Forse il cuoco è meglio che cambia lavoro. Non andate a mangiare in questo posto è pessimo?????
Cinzia Cui (Cina Bravo) on Google

超级难吃!!!烤花菜都感觉没熟,里面一点味道都没有,和在家水煮一样的。 点的大盘鸡里面鸡毛都没拔掉!!分量我就不想说了,也不知道我吃的是面条还是鸡肉,鸡肉加起来十块都没有。 最搞笑是他们家服务员,饮料没点完,拿着菜单就跑了。然后点了个生煎,跑来和我说,“我们生煎做失败了,你们还要不要”。难不成你们的失败品,还要我们付钱吗?! 此生不会去第二次!!!!!
It's super unpalatable! ! ! The roasted cauliflower doesn't feel cooked, and it has no taste at all, just like boiled at home. The chicken feathers in the large plate of chicken I ordered were not plucked out! ! I don’t want to talk about the quantity. I don’t know if I am eating noodles or chicken. There are no more than ten pieces of chicken. The most funny is their waiter, who ran away with the menu before ordering the drinks. Then I ordered a pan-fried pan, and ran to me and said, "We failed to make pan-fried pan, do you still want to do it?" Could it be your failure, do we have to pay for it? ! I won't go for the second time in this life! ! ! ! !
Alessandro Zheng on Google

Abbiamo speso 60 euro in 3 non è tanto però è poco per i camerieri perché non ci hanno regalato la frutta, abbiamo provato a chiedere e la cameriera ci ha guardato male ma rispose "sì". Alla ci hanno portato dei mandarini. Da Wangjiao regalano la frutta anche se avevamo speso solo 8,50 € a testa. A dire la verità il cibo non è male ma ci sono molti posti migliori.
We spent 60 euros in 3 is not so much, however, it is little for the waiters because they did not give us the fruit, we tried to ask and the waitress looked at us badly but answered "yes". Alla brought us tangerines. From Wangjiao they give fruit even if we had only spent € 8.50 apiece. Actually the food isn't bad but there are many better places.
hui pin peng on Google

Captain will1 #1 on Google

上菜速度特别慢,一个小时才上15串烧烤,两瓶豆奶。点了一份炒饭就是字面意思,炒饭,色香味都没有。要不是孩子饿了,就会要求退菜了。花菜没有熟,就上来了,后来要求退了。服务员擦桌子一手高高得举着手喷着清洁剂,一手拿着杯子,还没有擦干桌子,杯子就已经放下去了 还是喝的那一头
The serving speed is very slow, only 15 skewers and two bottles of soy milk are served in an hour. Ordering a fried rice means literally, the fried rice has no color or smell. If it wasn't for the child to be hungry, he would ask to return the food. The cauliflower came up before it was cooked, and later asked to return it. The waiter wipes the table with one hand high and sprays the detergent, and holds the cup in the other hand. Before the table is dried, the cup has been put down. It is still the drinking end.
赵弈钦 on Google

It's a total disaster. Everyone spends 20 euro but the meal is not something we want to talk about. NOT WORTH AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alessio Ganci on Google

Honestly in my opinion it's not terrible like said in other reviews. Food was good. Maybe not the best Chinese food I have had in Milan (also many of my Chinese friends warned me before deciding to try this restaurant tonight with some other friends, as I was still curious about this place), but it was still good (and surely authentic if compared to many other Chinese restaurants). I would rate it 7/10. The place is also really nice and especially the entrance with that big peluche was cool. Staff was nice to us and I have passed a good evening.

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