Villa Comunale di Troia (FG)

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Villa Comunale di Troia (FG)

Address :

71029 Troia FG, Italy

Postal code : 71029
Categories :
City : Troia

71029 Troia FG, Italy
Vincenzo “Vince” Lizzi on Google

Scorcio dei tetti, campanile della chiesa san giovanni di dio, san giovanni in fiore e cattedrale
View of the roofs, bell tower of the church of San Giovanni di Dio, San Giovanni in Fiore and the Cathedral
Jhosè Gaio on Google

Luogo incantevole con viali alberati di cuercia, dove seduti ad una panchina si respira aria salubre e fresca, soprattutto nella giornate afose. Al suo interno c'é una fontanella con acqua potabile, una fontana quasi mai funzionante, campo da calcetto e parco gioco custoditi. Ci sono i bagni pubblici e un bel boschetto con viali. Zona panoramica con vista sui paesi del supappennino Dauno.
Enchanting place with tree-lined avenues of cuercia, where sitting at a bench you can breathe healthy and fresh air, especially on hot days. Inside there is a fountain with drinking water, a fountain that almost never works, a soccer field and a guarded playground. There are public toilets and a beautiful grove with avenues. Panoramic area with views of the villages of the Daunian Apennines.
Raffaele Mucciolo on Google

Posto tranquillo che si incastona perfettamente nel tessuto cittadino. Tenuto bene e sempre in continua manutenzione. Ma se visitate Troia non mancate di fermarvi ad ammirare la cattedrale.
Quiet place that fits perfectly into the city fabric. Well kept and always in constant maintenance. But if you visit Troy, be sure to stop and admire the cathedral.
Giosi Scacchi on Google

Comoda centrale pulita sicura con scarico carico e luce gratuita....l unica nota un pò negativa gli abitanti la usano come scorciatoia e corrono un pò....cmq di notte silenziosa
Comfortable clean central safe with loading and free light .... the only note a little negative people use it as a shortcut and run a little .... cmq silent night
Ирина Пальниченко on Google

На самом деле это небольшой парк,где можно погулять в любую,даже очень ветреную погоду,есть детская площадка.Совсем рядышком кафешка и Костел,где можно побыть в тишине и поразмышлять о своём бытие.
In fact, this is a small park where you can take a walk in any, even very windy weather, there is a playground. There is a cafe and a church very close by, where you can stay in silence and reflect on your existence.
Simmaco Marco Munno on Google

La villa e molto bella e molto curata. Mi piace molto
The villa is very beautiful and well-kept. I like very much
Angelo De Rosa on Google

Very good!
Daniel Kor on Google

A really great park with a drinking water fountain. The road in some places is a little broken. Nearby the park there is a playground which is a really good one. It's a little crowded always. All the park is under trees, so if it starts to rain, you can still walk normally.

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