Verano Monumental Cemetery

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Contact Verano Monumental Cemetery

Address :

Piazzale del Verano, 1, 00185 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99
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Categories :
City : Roma
Description : Statues & monuments in a historic cemetery filled with elaborate mausoleums & greenery.

Piazzale del Verano, 1, 00185 Roma RM, Italy
Lilly Park on Google

Cimitero monumentale del Verano si trova a piazzale del Verano vicino è situata la chiesa di San Lorenzo fuori le mura. È il primo cimitero di Roma dove è stato concesso ai pagani di seppellire i loro defunti. È monumentale perché tantissimi artisti e personaggi famosi sono sepolti qui. Ci sono addirittura dei percorsi da seguire
Verano Monumental Cemetery is located in piazzale del Verano near the church of San Lorenzo outside the walls. It is the first cemetery in Rome where pagans were allowed to bury their dead. It is monumental because so many artists and famous people are buried here. There are even paths to follow
Alberto Brunelli on Google

Per molti un cimitero è un luogo da evitare. Il Verano è un luogo dove le arti applicate dal tardo '800, insieme all'architettura e alla scultura, si esprimono magnificamente. Molti dei monumenti funebri sono vere e proprie opere d'arte. Inoltre i testi di molte epigrafi in poche parole raccontano e fanno immaginare la vita di chi non c'è più. Le fotografie, specie quelle antiche, sono un documento del costume italiano antico. Una visita va fatta al "pincetto" concepito come un giardino disseminata di piccole ma anche grandiose cappelle delle più importanti famiglie romane. Ho notato che alcune tombe, specie nei colombari, hanno delle scritte a matita con la firma e la data di chi a fatto visita al defunto, anche a quasi cento anni di distanza. È un vero museo a cielo aperto, da visitare e godere anche del silenzio che regna. Purtroppo andrebbe restaurato, molte tombe sono in abbandono, ma sono pur sempre affascinanti!
For many, a cemetery is a place to avoid. The Verano is a place where the applied arts from the late 19th century, together with architecture and sculpture, express themselves magnificently. Many of the funerary monuments are real works of art. Furthermore, the texts of many epigraphs in a few words tell and make us imagine the life of those who are no longer there. The photographs, especially the ancient ones, are a document of ancient Italian costume. A visit should be made to the "pincetto" conceived as a garden scattered with small but also grandiose chapels of the most important Roman families. I noticed that some graves, especially in the columbaria, have pencil writings with the signature and the date of those who visited the deceased, even almost a hundred years later. It is a true open-air museum, to visit and also enjoy the silence that reigns. Unfortunately it should be restored, many tombs are abandoned, but they are still fascinating!
Lorenzo Letterese on Google

Il Verano, oltre ad essere un cimitero, è un vero e proprio museo a cielo aperto, dove, oltre al culto dei morti, si attraversa letteralmente la storia d'Italia. Interessanti sono le visite guidate organizzate da Ama: ben undici itinerari tematici.
The Verano, in addition to being a cemetery, is a real open-air museum, where, in addition to the cult of the dead, one literally crosses the history of Italy. The guided tours organized by Ama are interesting: eleven thematic itineraries.
Klaus Jaeger on Google

A wonderful peaceful graveyard in Rome
Rio Jer on Google

Gianluca Del mazza on Google

Niko Schmidt on Google

Nice cemetery but too many mosquitoes. Come prepared!
Afshin Izadi on Google

Verano Monumental Cemetery has been a burial site for at least twenty centuries, as demonstrated by the remains of a Roman necropolis known as Catacombs of Santa Ciriaca. The name Verano refers to the fact that the land once belonged to the Verani, a senatorial family at the time of the Roman Republic. Built along Via Tiburtina consular road during the Napoleonic reign between 1805 and 1814, in accordance with the Edict of Saint Cloud of 1804, which stipulated that burial sites were located outside of the city walls, the project was assigned to the architect Giuseppe Valadier from1807 to 1812. The cemetery was consecrated in 1835, and works went on during the pontificate of Gregory XVI and Pio IX, under the supervision of Virginio Vespignani. Further construction work was performed even after Rome became the Capital of Italy (1870-1871), by adding large plots of land, such as Villa Mancini, where nowadays the “Pincetto” area stands. The main entrance with its three openings, and four large statues which symbolize Meditation, Hope, Charity and Silence, precedes a large “Quadriportico” designed by Vespignani and completed in 1880. The current appearance is subsequent to the bombing of San Lorenzo neighbourhood (19 July 1943), in which three areas of the Cemetery were damaged: the monumental entrance, with the “Quadriportico” and the “Pincetto” area, the administrative offices and the area in front of the “Military Memorial”. Verano Monumental Cemetery, with its rich cultural heritage, can be defined as an open-air museum without equal in terms of quantity and features: an incalculable historical, artistic and cultural treasure.

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