Val di Fiemme Outdoor & Val di Fiemme Rafting

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Val di Fiemme Outdoor & Val di Fiemme Rafting

Address :

Via Gioacchino Rossini, 38033 Cavalese TN, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9779
Postal code : 38033
Website :
Categories :
City : Cavalese

Via Gioacchino Rossini, 38033 Cavalese TN, Italy
Mattia Casumaro on Google

Ho fatto l'esperienza di rafting insieme a 2 amici sabato 17/07/21. Esperienza bellissima, siamo stati contenti di tutto. Grande attenzione da parte della guida nello spiegare come si sarebbe svolta l'attività, quale fosse il percorso, e i possibili rischi. La guida è davvero preparata e spiega tutto alla perfezione. Ottimi l'attrezzatura e gli spogliatoi, così come il servizio fotografico.
I did the rafting experience with 2 friends on Saturday 17/07/21. Beautiful experience, we were happy with everything. Great attention on the part of the guide in explaining how the activity would take place, what the path was, and the possible risks. The guide is really prepared and explains everything perfectly. Excellent equipment and changing rooms, as well as the photo shoot.
Graziana Giotta on Google

In viaggio in Trentino non poteva mancare un’esperienza Rafting! Abbiamo contattato questa agenzia telefonicamente, il giorno dopo eravamo sul gommone! Personale molto preparato, tecnico, simpatico e cordiale!! Ottima l’organizzazione logistica; Davvero ben organizzati per l’attrezzatura concessa in dotazione, spogliatoi forniti di più docce, con un bagno attrezzato per disabili. Norme anti-COVID-19 rispettate! Previsto servizio fotografico ;) Conserverò gioiosamente questa esperienza che sicuramente ripeterò!
Traveling in Trentino, a Rafting experience could not be missing! We contacted this agency by phone, the next day we were on the boat! Very trained, technical, nice and friendly staff !! Excellent logistics organization; Really well organized for the equipment provided, changing rooms equipped with multiple showers, with a bathroom equipped for the disabled. Anti-COVID-19 regulations respected! Photo shoot planned;) I will joyfully keep this experience that I will surely repeat!
MARA Ceriani on Google

In vacanza a Cavalese ho trovato logico immergermi nel contesto e quindi fare delle esperienze diverse in loco. Ho quindi contattato il numero della Val di Fiemme Rafting e ci siamo accordati sul giorno e sull'ora, sia in base alle mie esigenze che al tempo metereologico. Dal ritrovo al ritorno tutto è andato bene. Il personale è stato gentile e preparato. Per coloro che pensano che il rafting non sia per tutti ... beh, vi sbagliate :-) E' da provare! La foto che allego è quella relativa all'esperienza in acqua, che fa anche acquisire migliore sicurezza in sé. Come potete vedere l'espressione è quella di una persona che si sta divertendo ... a parte l'acqua un po' fresca ;-) Grazie Federica e &.
On holiday in Cavalese I found it logical to immerse myself in the context and then have different experiences on site. I then contacted the number of Val di Fiemme Rafting and we agreed on the day and time, both according to my needs and the weather. From meeting to return everything went well. The staff was kind and knowledgeable. For those who think rafting is not for everyone ... well, you are wrong :-) It is worth trying! The photo I am attaching is the one relating to the experience in the water, which also gives you better self-confidence. As you can see the expression is that of a person who is having fun ... apart from the slightly cool water ;-) Thanks Federica and &.
Ulrich Drott on Google

Great afternoon with Aldo & Federica. 100% recommendation
Nicola Nardin on Google

Beautiful experience with very skilled Guides!!! Definitely recommend
Michael Puzevsky on Google

Had a great experience! Very recommended. The staff is professional and friendly. We had some unique requests and were assisted with care.
Freek Kuper on Google

Aldo is a great guide. Explains everything very well, makes you feel comfortable and made sure we have had a very good time. The pictures they took are a big plus and will be shared with you. Highly recommend going rafting with them!
Yauheni Tarnenak on Google

We had excellent time rafting with friends. The team pays big attention on safety and even does some hands-on training before the start how to behave in situations when you fell off the boat. Special thanks to Marco who was our instructor for the trip and the local guide for Italy in the same time :)

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