Umi Sushi Roma Cornelia-restaurant

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Umi Sushi Roma Cornelia-restaurant

Address :

Via Giovanni Tamassia, 34/36/38, 00167 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97788
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Categories :
City : Roma

Via Giovanni Tamassia, 34/36/38, 00167 Roma RM, Italy
Elisa Paolacci on Google

Locale carinissimo, curato e vivace. Possibilità di mangiare alla carta o all you can eat. Cibo fresco e molto buono, da provare il riso alla Cantonese squisito, il jo sake tobiko e i crudi di pesce ottimi. Cameriere gentilissimo, bella serata ci torneremo di nuovo.
A very nice, well-kept and lively place. Possibility to eat à la carte or all you can eat. Fresh and very good food, to try the exquisite Cantonese rice, the jo sake tobiko and the excellent raw fish. Very kind waiter, nice evening we will be back again.
Giulio Binacchi on Google

Le prime volte che sono andato con la mia ragazza forse ammaliato per la bella location e loro che hanno visto dei nuovi clienti è andata tutto apposto i piatti perfetti buonissimi e svelti. Dopo un paio di volte non è stato più così i piatti si facevano aspettare il riso non era molto buono e io l'ultima volta sono stato male con lo stomaco. Non so se è perché prenoto alle 22.30, e gli sono andato in puzza, perché io stacco da lavoro alle 22 ma se allora non volete lavorare fino a quell'ora togliete da the fork le prenotazioni fino alle 23.30.
The first few times I went with my girlfriend perhaps fascinated by the beautiful location and they, who saw new customers, everything went right, the perfect dishes, very good and quick. After a couple of times it wasn't like that anymore the dishes were waiting for the rice was not very good and last time I was sick with the stomach. I don't know if it's because I book at 10.30pm, and he stinks, because I leave work at 10pm, but if you don't want to work until that time, take the reservations off the fork until 11.30pm.
Manu B on Google

Location molto accogliente e personale molto gentile. Il sushi complessivamente buono con qualche piccola pecca qua e là. Ci ritorneremo sicuramente
Very welcoming location and very kind staff. Overall good sushi with a few small flaws here and there. We will definitely be back
Valerio Domenici on Google

All you can eat. Buona qualità. Ambiente amichevole e buona cucina. Buona la birra giapponese.
All you can eat. Good quality. Friendly environment and good food. Good Japanese beer.
Davide Sperati on Google

Passandoci davanti per caso sono rimasto incuriosito da questo ristorante, ed ho voluto provarlo con la mia fidanzata. L'interno è molto curato e moderno con un albero che spicca al centro ed i suoi rami che contornano i tavoli illuminati da delle luci. Molto bello. Il cibo è ben realizzato e buono. Il sashimi era delicato e i nigiri si scioglievano in bocca. Ravioli al vapore leggeri ma deliziosi. Certamente ci torneremo per provare altri piatti "fusion sushi".
Passing by by chance I was intrigued by this restaurant, and I wanted to try it with my girlfriend. The interior is very nice and modern with a tree that stands out in the center and its branches that surround the tables illuminated by lights. Very nice. The food is well made and good. The sashimi was delicate and the nigiri melted in the mouth. Light but delicious steamed ravioli. We will certainly be back to try other "fusion sushi" dishes.
Dylan Yang on Google

Went on a Sunday evening for dinner and was pleasantly surprised. The restaurant was mostly empty but the service was insanely quick and the staff were friendly. The interior decor is also very relaxing and tranquil. For sushi, the all-you-can-eat price was quite reasonable (~47 euro for two; compared to maybe 70 if per plate). It’s not the best you’ll ever have, but it wasn’t terrible. You order off of iPads at your table (which has both an English and Italian language option) and it also comes with a handy feature to call the server over and/or request the bill. Might be a bit out of the city, but if you happen to be nearby and want a sushi place that isn’t as crowded or touristy, this is the one.
Crispina De Lunas Dalida on Google

The food was good but the waitress wasn't able to welcome the client and offer me to take out the food.. ?
francesca giulio on Google

After a recommendation from a friend, I tried a Japanese-style meal with my friends a few days ago. New restaurant. The overall environment of the restaurant is simple. The sushi chef's dishes are very good. The head highlights the theme of a dish, which is a few of the good ones in the Roman package. It is a good place for dating couples and friends.

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