Tower Imbiss

3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tower Imbiss

Address :

SS40, 1, 39027 Graun im Vinschgau, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italy

Categories :
City : Südtirol

SS40, 1, 39027 Graun im Vinschgau, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italy
Bettina Griesser on Google

Ich habe heute beim "Turm-Kiosk" gegessen. Die Pommes waren sehr lecker. Besonders die wohl selbst gewürzte Currymayonaise (bin kein Mayo Fan) fand ich gut. Die Hauswurst war prima. Schmeckte wie vom Metzger, sah nicht nach Supermarktwurst aus. (Da hätte mir ein Vinschgerwecken gut dazu gepasst, anstatt helles Brötchen.) Was mir besonders gefallen hat: Kein Plastik! Es werden Papierschalen, Holzstecher und Porzellanteller verwendet. Auch den Kaffee gibt es in der Tasse, nicht im Pappbecher.
I ate at the "tower kiosk" today. The fries were delicious. I especially liked the curry mayonnaise (I am not a mayonnaise fan), which I have spiced myself. The house sausage was great. Tasted like a butcher, didn't look like supermarket sausage. (A Vinschgerwecken would have gone well with it instead of a light roll.) What I particularly liked: No plastic! Paper bowls, wooden engravers and porcelain plates are used. Coffee is also available in a cup, not in a paper cup.
Alessio Tassone on Google

Esperienza pessima. Prodotti di scarsa qualità. Cioccolata calda = nesquik + latte freddo = 4.50€ Tortina di cocco commerciale di pessimo gusto. No bancomat, no credit card, no scontrino tutto cash in nero. Passate oltre, ci hanno trattato come se fossimo turisti stranieri da fregare.
Bad experience. Poor quality products. Hot chocolate = nesquik + cold milk = 4.50 € Bad taste commercial coconut pie. No ATM, no credit card, no black cash receipt. Pass by, they treated us as if we were foreign tourists to be ripped off.
Beh Manfred on Google

Currywurst und Pommes & Major bestellt. Preis 9,50 Euro. Pommes in Ordnung. Majo aus irgendeiner gekauften Plastikflasche. Die Currywurst war ungenießbar. Schmeckte nicht nach Currywurst und war innen ganz grob. Habe dem Verkaufspersonal meine Einschätzung mitgeteilt. Kritikfähig scheint der "Herr" dort nicht zu sein. Mal sehen, wie lange der neue Besitzer bei der miesen Qualität der Besitzer bleibt.
Ordered currywurst and fries & major. Price 9.50 euros. Fries ok. Majo from any plastic bottle that was bought. The currywurst was inedible. Didn't taste like currywurst and was very coarse inside. I shared my assessment with the sales staff. The "gentleman" does not seem to be capable of criticism there. Let's see how long the new owner stays with the poor quality of the owners.
Marvin Burbach on Google

Seit der Imbiss den Besitzer gewechselt hat, geht die Qualität dramatisch bergab. Die Pommes dort sind oft innen noch roh, die Angestellten sind mehr als unfreundlich und die Kuchen trockener als eine Wüste. Die Besitzer profitierten von der Lage. Wenn man nicht weit laufen will, gibt es dort leider keine Alternative. Die Getränke sind ok, aber an Getränken aus der Dose kann man wohl nichts falsch machen.
Since the snack bar changed hands, the quality has dropped dramatically. The fries there are often still raw inside, the staff are more than rude and the cakes drier than a desert. The owners benefited from the location. If you don't want to walk far, there is unfortunately no alternative. The drinks are ok, but you can't go wrong with canned drinks.
Georg A on Google

Ist halt ein kleiner Imbiss, darf man nicht zu viel erwarten. Der Cafe war hervorragend und das Personal freundlich. ?
If it's just a small snack, you shouldn't expect too much. The cafe was excellent and the staff friendly. ?
Nico Ran on Google

Fatta una breve sosta presso questo chiosco nel parcheggio difronte il bellissimo Campanile sommerso dalle acque del Lago di Resia. Prezzi decisamente alti sia del cibo che delle bibite. Del resto in loco non vi sono alternative per cui tocca adeguarsi.
Made a short stop at this kiosk in the parking lot in front of the beautiful bell tower submerged by the waters of Lake Resia. Definitely high prices for both food and drinks. Moreover, there are no alternatives on site for which it is up to adapt.
Ladyviaggincamper on Google

Chiosco con personale gentile, prezzi nella norma, 2 caffè 3 €e una torta 4. Bagni a pagamento 50 centesimi
Kiosk with friendly staff, average prices, 2 coffees 3 € and a cake 4. Bathrooms for a fee 50 cents
Maurizio Premici on Google

VERY VERY EXPENSIVE THIS IS A TOURIST TRAP... dont buy anything here, there are many bar and restourants just around the corner with reasonable prices

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