Torello (Headquarters)

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Torello (Headquarters)

Address :

Via Pescarola, snc, 83025 Montoro AV, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98889
Postal code : 83025
Website :
Categories :
City : Montoro

Via Pescarola, snc, 83025 Montoro AV, Italy
Dorin Zaporojan on Google

Se lavorate con Mira Logistica E Trasporti ,Lazio ,Nepi, un grande errore...
If you work with Mira Logistica E Trasporti, Lazio, Nepi, a big mistake ...
marco fumiento on Google

Il frigo è il loro core business ma se avete altre necessità vi sapranno accontentare.
The fridge is their core business but if you have other needs they will be able to satisfy you.
Michele Parrella on Google

Persone che con il loro sacrificio ,hanno fatto diventare un sogno in realtà, gente sacrificata , competente,e soprattutto alla mano su tutto,
People who, with their sacrifice, have made a dream come true, people sacrificed, competent, and above all at hand on everything,
Berardino Aversa on Google

Parcheggio camion., Nella campagna montorese... Luogo dove si coltivano i carciofi di preturo...e la cipolla ramata di Montoro.... Bello vedere ancora i contadini che coltivano con le proprie mani...bello bello..
Truck parking., In the Montorese countryside ... Place where the preturo artichokes are grown ... and the copper onion of Montoro .... It's nice to see the farmers who grow with their own hands ... nice nice ..
Rafal Bastecki on Google

Slot na rozładunek 8 rano fix, okazuje się że rozładunek będzie o 17tej brak jakiejkolwiek rekompensaty ODRADZ|AM WSPÓŁPRACĘ Celowo wprowadzają w błąd!
Unloading slot at 8am fix, it turns out that the unloading will be at 5pm no compensation whatsoever ADVISE | AM COOPERATION Deliberately misleading!
Alle54 Sanguineti on Google

Se ad Avellino sono come qui a Piacenza sono totalmente assenti e innaffidabili, nessuno risponde al telefono provato 15 volte, lo stesso a Reggio Emilia , meglio lasciar perdere, delka mia merce ad oggi non so nulla, dopo 5 giorni ,da 60 km.
If in Avellino they are like here in Piacenza they are totally absent and unreliable, no one answers the phone tried 15 times, the same in Reggio Emilia, better to forget about my goods to date I know nothing, after 5 days, from 60 km.
Gianni Cerroni on Google

Socrate Gregorian Tudor on Google

The urine is following down from toillets and the wc was soo soo dirty!!!

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