THE LOVELY DAY wedding film

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact THE LOVELY DAY wedding film

Address :

Via XXV Aprile, 27, 25050 Pian Camuno BS, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98787
Postal code : 25050
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City : Pian Camuno

Via XXV Aprile, 27, 25050 Pian Camuno BS, Italy
Floriana Ligato on Google

Hanno realizzato il video piu' bello che potevamo mai immaginare, grazie al loro magnifico lavoro possiamo rivivere l'emozione di quel giorno. Lara e Alessandro  non sono solo attenti professionisti ma anche persone  gentili ed educate!li consigliamo vivamente.
They made the most beautiful video we could ever imagine, thanks to their magnificent work we can relive the emotion of that day. Lara and Alessandro are not only attentive professionals but also kind and polite people! We highly recommend them.
Valentina Cantoni on Google

Lara e Alessandro sono due veri professionisti. Il giorno del nostro matrimonio non ci siamo quasi accorti della loro presenza. Presenti ma mai invadenti, sono stati discreti, delicati e disponibili. Il video realizzato ci ha emozionati, bellissime inquadrature e dettagli che avremmo faticato a ricordare. Super consigliati!
Lara and Alessandro are two true professionals. On our wedding day we hardly noticed their presence. Present but never intrusive, they were discreet, delicate and helpful. The video we made excited us, beautiful shots and details that we would have struggled to remember. Super recommended!
Alessandra Lorandi on Google

Ho conosciuto Lara ed Alessandro nel 2015 in occasione del mio matrimonio, ed ancora oggi, dopo ormai 5 anni è quanto di più bello abbia fatto... La loro professionalità, la loro simpatia, la loro energia fa solo da cornice a quello che è il prodotto finale.. Io davvero ancora oggi li ringrazio per il mio wedding film! In questi anni l'ho riguardato molte volte, ed ogni volta mi si riapre il cuore di gioia ?? Le foto servono sicuramente, sono belle, bellissime, ma questo è tutta un altra cosa cosa.. Loro sanno raccontare le emozioni, non sono semplici immagini montate.. Quando mi sono sposata era tardo pomeriggio, ero agitata, emozionata, ero come sballottata da una parte all altra ed ora di sera ero rincasata con la sensazione di essermi persa tutto... Non mi ero goduta il io matrimonio! Poi dopo qualche mese mi chiamano Lara ed Alessandro.. Il video è pronto! Beh, credetemi se vi dico che ogni volta che lo guardo rivivo quel giorno in modo magico.. Sono riusciti a riassumere in 7 minuti le emozioni più importanti della giornata più bella di ogni coppia.. Io credo davvero che abbiate un dono, un talento unico.. Per questo ho deciso di regalare un wedding film ai nostri amici per il loro matrimonio, xe' un THE LOVELY DAY è davvero x sempre ♥️
I met Lara and Alessandro in 2015 on the occasion of my wedding, and even today, after 5 years it is the most beautiful thing I have done ... Their professionalism, their sympathy, their energy is only the frame for what the final product is .. I really still thank them for my wedding film today! In recent years I have looked at it many times, and every time my heart rejoices with joy ?? The photos are certainly useful, they are beautiful, beautiful, but that's a whole other thing .. They can tell emotions, they are not simple mounted images .. When I got married it was late afternoon, I was agitated, excited, I was tossed from one side to the other and now in the evening I came home with the feeling of having lost everything ... I had not enjoyed my wedding! Then after a few months they call me Lara and Alessandro .. The video is ready! Well, believe me if I tell you that every time I look at it I relive that day in a magical way .. They managed to summarize in 7 minutes the most important emotions of the most beautiful day of each couple .. I really believe you have a gift, a unique talent .. For this reason I decided to give a wedding film to our friends for their wedding, xe 'a THE LOVELY DAY is really x always ♥ ️
Simona Borriello on Google

Volere il video del nostro matrimonio, e soprattutto decidere di farlo realizzare a Lara e Alessandro, è stata una scelta che rifaremmo senza alcun dubbio. I ragazzi, oltre che delle persone con le quali siamo entrati subito in sintonia, sono dei professionisti che, tramite le loro competenze e la loro creatività, hanno concretizzato in maniere eccellente il ricordo della nostra giornata. Lara e Alessandro hanno realizzato un video meraviglioso, cogliendo ogni dettaglio, superando ogni aspettativa :) Siete fantastici, grazie!! ❤ Simona e Maurizio
Wanting the video of our wedding, and above all deciding to have Lara and Alessandro made it, was a choice that we would make without any doubt. The boys, as well as the people with whom we immediately got in tune, are professionals who, through their skills and creativity, have concretized the memory of our day in excellent ways. Lara and Alessandro made a wonderful video, capturing every detail, exceeding all expectations :) You are fantastic, thank you !! ❤ Simona and Maurizio
Avv. Silvia Maugeri on Google

Conosco The Lovely Day da anni, avendo curato le riprese del matrimonio di mio fratello. Li ho seguiti nel tempo e, quando è stato il momento di scegliere a chi affidare il videomaking del nostro matrimonio, li ho contattati: i video che mi hanno mostrato mi hanno fatto emozionare. Il consiglio per la piena riuscita del video è quello di affidarvi alla professionalità ed alle indicazioni di Lara ed Alessandro, che vi seguiranno dalla preparazione fino ai primi balli serali. Il loro stile è prevalentemente quello del fotoreportage, con qualche scena posata per rendere il video più emozionale. Poi, le riprese con il drone, le promesse riprodotte con audio originale e le colonne sonore da loro selezionate hanno reso il tutto ancora più bello. Il documentary del nostro matrimonio è un video che tocca il cuore. Grazie!
I have known The Lovely Day for years, having handled the filming of my brother's wedding. I followed them over time and, when it was time to choose who to entrust the videomaking of our wedding, I contacted them: the videos they showed me excited me. The advice for the full success of the video is to rely on the professionalism and indications of Lara and Alessandro, who will follow you from preparation to the first evening dances. Their style is mainly that of photo-reportage, with some posed scenes to make the video more emotional. Then, the shooting with the drone, the promises reproduced with original audio and the soundtracks they selected made it even more beautiful. The documentary of our wedding is a video that touches the heart. Thanks!
Matteo Veneziani on Google

Quando abbiamo visto per la prima volta i video di The lovely day ci siamo innamorati del loro stile, della delicatezza e raffinatezza con cui riuscivano a far rivivere momenti indimenticabili. Non potevamo non sceglierli per il nostro matrimonio! Hanno confermato alla grande le nostre aspettative! Li consigliamo per la discrezione e la professionalità con cui svolgono il loro lavoro, per la loro capacità di immortalare emozioni e cogliere attimi speciali. Grazie mille Lara e Alessandro!! ? Matteo e Beatrice
When we saw The lovely day videos for the first time we fell in love with their style, with the delicacy and refinement with which they managed to relive unforgettable moments. We could not have chosen them for our wedding! They confirmed our expectations very well! We recommend them for the discretion and professionalism with which they carry out their work, for their ability to capture emotions and capture special moments. Thank you so much Lara and Alessandro !! ? Matteo and Beatrice
Fiona Cutler on Google

Being based in Scotland with a destination wedding in Italy and the potential language barrier problem, l felt it would be challenging to find the right people to undertake the important task of documenting this very special occasion. l was indeed blessed to find The Lovely Day. From my first point of contact until receipt of the finished wedding video l have been impressed by Lara's professionalism and excellent customer service. Lara and Alessandro are true craftsmen of their art and the final edited wedding film far exceeds our expectations. It is a quite beautiful testimony to their dedication on our son's wedding day working tirelessly in the background, quietly getting on with capturing the detail, sheer joy and intimacy of the day. We were advised it would take 4 months for the wedding footage to be edited and on viewing the wedding day film l can now appreciate why. There must have been hours of hard work in the studio selecting the final footage and weaving it together to perfectly fit the selected background music. It truly is our own little movie with my son and daughter-in-law in the starring roles. If you are intent on getting the very best reminder of your special day then The Lovely Day is where your search should end. Their work is simply stunning.
Michael Cutler on Google

Thank You so much to Lara & Alessandro for our amazing wedding video and trailer. From the moment we first contacted them, Lovely Day were helpful, friendly and professional, answering our questions, and helping us to decide on the perfect video package for our special day. We were certainly not disappointed - on our wedding day itself, they went about their work, capturing all of the special moments fully, yet discreetly. Our wedding co-ordinator and photographer commented how easy they were to work along side. Having just received the finished trailer and documentary, what can we say... it's perfect. The shots, the editing and the music make an amazingly high-quality reminder of our day - everyone who has seen it agrees. Lara and Alessandro are extremely talented film makers whose professionalism, friendliness and attention to detail will ensure a wedding film to be cherished - we would 100% recommend using their services. Best Wishes Michael & Sarah

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