Tempo Libero Cooperativa Sociale Onlus

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tempo Libero Cooperativa Sociale Onlus

Address :

Via Spalto S. Marco, 37bis, 25121 Brescia BS, Italy

Phone : 📞 +988
Website : http://www.cooptempolibero.it/
Categories :
City : Brescia

Via Spalto S. Marco, 37bis, 25121 Brescia BS, Italy
Saikou Marong on Google

Antonio Ettore Vergani on Google

Poco professionali.
Kevin Dániel di Angelo on Google

Nefastos. No recomendables. Gestión pésima
Nefarious. Not recommended. Terrible management
Aitor Rodríguez on Google

Participé en uno de sus servicios de movilidad, con una beca llamada Galeuropa. Este servicio se mos prestó de una manera nefasta, horrible, la peor experiencia de movilidad que he visto en mi vida. Una cooperativa completamente desorganizada. Cada día nos entraban SIN PERMISO gente distinta en el apartamento, el cual rozaba el mínimo de salubridad y seguridad. Intentamos resolver todos estos problemas, pero por desgracia nunca fuimos escuchados. Incluso sufrimos robos en el apartamento, debido a que todo el mundo tenía las llaves del mismo. En cuánto al curso de italiano que recibimos, completamente innecesario y con falta de individualidad. Eramos 30 personas en una clase que no llegaba ni a los 20 metros cuadrados. Lo único un poco bueno, es la búsqueda de ñas empresas de prácticas, todo lo demás ha sido pésimo. Nada recomendable!
I participated in one of their mobility services, with a grant called Galeuropa. This service was rendered in a disastrous, horrible way, the worst mobility experience I have ever seen in my life. A completely disorganized cooperative. Every day different people entered the apartment WITHOUT PERMISSION, which was close to the minimum of health and safety. We tried to solve all these problems, but unfortunately we were never heard. We even suffered theft in the apartment, because everyone had the keys to it. As for the Italian course we receive, completely unnecessary and lacking in individuality. We were 30 people in a class that did not even reach 20 square meters. The only thing a bit good is the search for internship companies, everything else has been lousy. Nothing recommendable!
Léonie Nectoux on Google

Mon séjour à Brescia, en Italie s'est très bien déroulé, l'équipe de Tempo Libero était à l'écoute et disponible pour que mon stage se passe bien. Je suis très contente d'avoir vécu cette expérience.
My stay in Brescia, Italy went very well, the Tempo Libero team was listening and available for my internship to go well. I am very happy to have had this experience.
Kemai 96 on Google

Un désagréable moment à Brescia, les colocs volent vos affaires les gens de Tempolibero s'en fichent de vous et ils ne sont pas mature. En effet j'ai demande un changement de stage car celui ci était vraiment loin presque 20 Km ce qui n’était pas un soucis par contre le transport extra urbain c'est un sérieux problème. Je payé prés de 10 par jour pour un aller retour 30 pour la semaine. Au niveau de la prise en charge et de l'assistance des jeunes qui partent en Italie y a pas de compréhension. J'ai du partir en avance de Brescia Car je voulais effectuer un stage à proximité de la ville et au final ils n'ont pas voulu me faire changer d'entreprise ET J'AVAIS BIEN LE DROIT. Je tiens vraiment a vous passer ce message FUYEZ cette ville et cette Association car vous allez perdre votre temps votre énergie votre santé votre argent et c'est vraiment vraiment dangereux comment les gens conduisent la bas. PS A plusieurs reprises j'ai risquée de me faire renversé par des poids lourds en allant a mon entreprise donc je vous assure que ça ne vaut vraiment la peine.
An unpleasant moment in Brescia, the roommates steal your Tempolibero business people get you and they do not care are not mature. Indeed I request a course change because this one was really far almost 20 Km which was not a problem against by urban transport extra is a serious problem. I paid 10 per day near to a round trip 30 for the week. At the support and assistance of young people who leave in Italy there is no understanding. I had to leave early Brescia Because I wanted to do an internship near the city and in the end they did not want me to change business AND WELL I WAS RIGHT. I really want you to get this message FLEE this city and this association because you will waste your time your energy and your health your money is really really dangerous how people drive the bottom. PS On several occasions I have risky of me overthrown by heavyweight going to my business so I assure you that it really is not worth the trouble.
Adrián Fernández on Google

Una experiencia nefasta. Hice la beca Erasmus+ con ellos, nos dijeron que tendríamos un edificio para todos nosotros (éramos 15 compañeros) y que tendríamos una cocina grande y un salon también de buen tamaño. Cuando llegamos nos informaron de que en el edificio (no es muy grande, 2 habitaciones pequeñas por cada planta) no solo íbamos a vivir nosotros sino también unos menores de edad extranjeros que no conocíamos de nada. Al revisar el edificio nos dindi cuenta de que no se había limpiado nada desde havia mucho ya que todo estaba lleno de polvo, las sábanas estaban sucias al igual que los colchones, el suelo, la cortina de la ducha daba asco, las lavadoras olían fatal, la plancha estaba negra por abajo, los menores de edad no limpiaban bien, o directamente no limpiaban, lo que yabian usado (platos, sartenes, etc.). Pedimos que se nos pusiera una tostadora, ya que nos solucionaría bastante ya que es más rápido por las mañanas que la sartén o el horno, nos dijeron que no. Habíamos pagado cada uno 900€, eramos 15, por un mes de estancia. En el edificio había dos frigorifrigo pequeños y solo podíamos usar uno de ellos para los 15, no había despensas suficientes y tuvimos que guardar la comida en el armario de las habitaciones, habitaciones por cierto pequeñas y para 3 o 4 personas. El otro frigorífico estaba reservado entero para los menores que eran unos 4. Las almohadas de las habitaciones tenían unos dos centímetros de grosor y dolían las cervicales. En las habitaciones hay hormigas. Una vez llamé a la trabajadora encargada de nosotros por una falta de respeto que recibí de la encargada de los menores y por otras cosas y cuando le estaba hablando me colgó y luego reconoció que me había colgado. Todo esto y mucho más que no cuento porque no acabaría nunca. Nada recomendable, invertid vuestro dinero en otro sitio. Pdta: La organización no quiso abastecernos de ninguna forma, teníamos un solo juego de sábanas para un mes y si querías mas tenías que comprarlas tú. Tampoco nos concedieron la tostadora porque decían que no estaban obligados a darnosla. Y no creo que sea por falta de presupuesto ya que en su web presumen de tener más de medio millón de euros de patrimonio. En fin, le doy una estrella porque 0 no se puede. *Adjunto fotos del estado de la casa y de las cosas que dejaban los menores (supuestamente controlados por una "profesora")
A nefarious experience. I did the Erasmus + scholarship with them, they told us that we would have a building for all of us (we were 15 classmates) and that we would have a large kitchen and a good size living room. When we arrived we were informed that in the building (it is not very big, 2 small rooms per floor) not only were we going to live but also some foreign minors who did not know anything. When checking the building we realized that nothing had been cleaned since it was very long since everything was full of dust, the sheets were dirty as well as the mattresses, the floor, the curtain of the shower was disgusting, the washing machines smelled terrible , the iron was black below, the minors did not clean well, or they did not clean, what they used (plates, frying pans, etc.). We asked for a toaster, since it would solve us a lot since it is faster in the morning than the pan or the oven, they said no. We had each paid € 900, we were 15, for a month's stay. In the building there were two small frigorifrigo and we could only use one of them for 15, there were not enough pantries and we had to store the food in the wardrobe of the rooms, rooms by the way small and for 3 or 4 people. The other refrigerator was reserved for the children who were about 4. The pillows in the rooms were about two centimeters thick and the cervical muscles hurt. In the rooms there are ants. Once I called the worker in charge of us for a lack of respect I received from the person in charge of the children and for other things and when I was talking to her she hung me up and then admitted that she had hung me up. All this and much more that I do not count because it would never end. Not recommended, invest your money elsewhere. Pdta: The organization did not want to supply us in any way, we had a single set of sheets for a month and if you wanted more you had to buy them yourself. They also did not give us the toaster because they said they were not obliged to give it to us. And I do not think it's due to a lack of budget, since on its website they boast more than half a million euros of assets. Anyway, I give it a star because 0 can not. * Attached photos of the state of the house and things left by minors (allegedly controlled by a "teacher")
Sonja Delova on Google

I spent 9 months in the province of Brescia with a European Voluntary Service project. Tempo Libero was the coordinating organization and everything written in the agreement was respected (place of living, pocket money, logistics, etc). We had some issues in the organization of the Italian language course (that later were solved), but in general it was a good experience. The staff is well prepared and speaks different languages.

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