Snowpark Monte Bondone

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Snowpark Monte Bondone

Address :

38123 Trento TN, Italy

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Categories :
City : Trento

38123 Trento TN, Italy
Lenka Valentová on Google

Středisko je sice menší, ale za to velmi sympatické. Určitě bych doporučila pro začátečníky a mírně pokročilé. Všichni jsou tu velmi milí a vstřícní. Je tu snowpark na pořádné vyřádění. Co musím velmi pochválit je kvalita sjezdovek. Vzhledem k tomu,že počasí je v tuto dobu spíše už letní, tak do 12 hodin si zalyžujete na manšestru. S přibývající hodinou už je zejména u nástupních stanic sníh jako cukr,ale lyžovat je tak prima. Sjezdovky jsou dostatečně široké a tak mohou pojmout vícero návštěvníků. Pokud ovšem hledáte náročné černé sjezdovky,tak sem určitě nejezděte.
The resort is smaller, but very nice. I would definitely recommend for beginners and intermediate. Everyone is very nice and helpful. There is a snow park for proper disposal. What I have to praise very much is the quality of the slopes. Due to the fact that the weather is rather summer at this time, you can ski in corduroy until 12 o'clock. With the increasing hour, there is already snow like sugar, especially at the boarding stations, but skiing is so nice. The slopes are wide enough to accommodate more visitors. However, if you are looking for challenging black slopes, then definitely do not come here.
Tomáš Vitásek on Google

Marco Soave on Google

Best Jib Line Ever ;)
Robert Mokry on Google

Super Snow park, good staff
Petr Kacafírek on Google

Amazing place, perfect slopes ..I love it ?
Agnieszka Szpinda on Google

Amazing experience
Edoardo Fon on Google

Medium size park, really well kept by the shapers. The park offers a good M/L kicker line and sick rail line for the advanced riders, as well as part dedicated for kids and beginners. Reccomended
Adam Anders on Google

Well groomed and shaped jumps with differentiated boosts. Good rail variety. Rollers for buttering. Great tunes blasting over the speakers. No line ups for dropping. Next to the chair for spectating.

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