Silvagni Laura

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Silvagni Laura

Address :

Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi, 12/A, 48018 Faenza RA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +977
Postal code : 48018
Website :
Categories :
City : Faenza

Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi, 12/A, 48018 Faenza RA, Italy

Faenza Spurghi on Google

Ottima produzione
Excellent production
Martino Savorani on Google

le migliori raffaellesche di Faenza!
the best Raphaelesque in Faenza!
Miki Bascone on Google

Grande Artista,merita sicuramente un'entrata al suo locale.
Great Artist, surely deserves an entrance to his room.
Francesco Zaccarini on Google

Ceramica faentina di ottimo livello. Propone piatti istoriati di pregevole fattura. Prezzi coerenti con la qualità dei prodotti.
Excellent Faenza ceramic. It offers historically decorated dishes of exquisite workmanship. Prices consistent with the quality of the products.
GELANNA 57 on Google

Quando si dice ceramica, si dice Faenza, qui ci sono botteghe di maestri ceramisti di assoluta bravura, la signora Silvagni oltre ad essere unica è anche gentilissima e se posso permettermi anche molto simpatica, mette passione e anima nelle sue opere o lavori su richiesta che fa, come ha fatto x me grazie
When we say ceramics, it is said Faenza, here there are workshops of master potters of absolute skill, Mrs Silvagni, besides being unique, is also very kind and if I can afford also very nice, she puts passion and soul into her works or works on request that ago, as he did for me thanks
Jörg Schnyder on Google

Eines der Keramikateliers die noch die alte traditionelle Art der Tonwaren von Faenza pflegt. Man erhält dort auch Auskünfte über diese Technik. Sehr freundliche Leute arbeiten dort. Kürzlich wurde in der Keramikzeitschrift "Neue Keramik" ein sehr interessanter Artikel über Laura Silvagni veröffentlicht.
One of the ceramic studios that still maintains the old traditional style of Faenza pottery. You can also get information about this technology there. Very friendly people work there. A very interesting article about Laura Silvagni was recently published in the ceramic magazine "Neue Keramik".
Maurizio Frassineti on Google

Strepitosa Laura grazie mille xle tue belle cose
Amazing Laura thank you very much for your beautiful things

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