Schloss Neuhaus

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Schloss Neuhaus

Address :

Via Castel Neuhaus, 14, 39030 Gais BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97
Postal code : 39030
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday 12–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 12–2PM
Wednesday 12–2PM
Thursday 12–2PM
Friday 12–2PM
Saturday 12–2PM
Categories :
City : Gais

Via Castel Neuhaus, 14, 39030 Gais BZ, Italy
Olaf Wondraczek on Google

Ich habe einige Tage in dem Schloss verbracht und kann abschließend nur sagen dass ich mich rundherum wohlgefühlt habe. Sensationelle Gastgeber, sensationelles Essen in einer umwerfenden Atmosphäre. Jederzeit gerne wieder
I spent a few days in the castle and in conclusion I can only say that I felt good all around. Sensational hosts, sensational food in a stunning atmosphere. Again any time
Hans Dampf on Google

Ich bin Wiederholungstäter. Konnte wieder das einmalige Ambiente der Burg genießen. Schöne Zimmer, phantastisches Essen und super freundliches Personal. Kombiniert mit der Nähe zu schönen Skigebieten, ergibt das immer einen tollen Winterurlaub.
I am a repeat offender. Was able to enjoy the unique ambience of the castle again. Beautiful rooms, fantastic food and super friendly staff. Combined with the proximity to beautiful ski areas, this always results in a great winter holiday.
Tony Manfron on Google

Luogo particolare, speravo di poter visitare il castello ma invece ci sono rimasto male perchè siamo stati rilegati in una piccola stanzetta che sembravamo stare in un angolo di un pub. Tuttavia una volta arrivato questo bel bisteccone mi sento di promuovere il ristorante a pieni voti. Piatto davvero succulento e ghiotto. Complimenti!
Particular place, I hoped to be able to visit the castle but instead I was disappointed because we were bound in a small room that seemed to be in a corner of a pub. However, once this great steak arrives, I feel like promoting the restaurant with flying colors. Really succulent and delicious dish. Congratulations!
Sara Rofi on Google

Non lasciatevi fregare dalle recensioni positive. Siamo stati qui a Marzo convinti di mangiare benissimo, l'antipasto era buono e molto abbondante con altri ingredienti che non erano però riportati sul menù (esclusivamente in lingua tedesca). Il Grostel era molto buono, mentre lo stinco, a differenza di ciò che viene scritto nelle recensioni, era totalmente insipido e non l'avremmo neanche finito di mangiare se non fosse che lo stavamo pagando. Il locale è caratteristico ma molto piccolo, trascurato e antiquato. Appena arrivati non capivamo neanche dove fosse l'ingresso della sala del ristorante poiché tutte le porte erano state chiuse. Aprendone una a caso siamo riusciti ad entrare e siamo stati "accolti" da un signore (che credo fosse il proprietario) palesemente ubriaco. Dalle recensioni viene descritto come un tipo simpatico e di compagnia, mentre l'unica cosa che ci ha scaturito è stata un'enorme sensazione di disagio, e mentre aspettava la preparazione dei piatti della cucina quasi si stava addormentando, letteralmente, in piedi. La scarsa professionalità è stata confermata anche dal fatto che abbiamo fatto delle domande riguardanti alcune pietanze e i suoi ingredienti (vi ricordo che i piatti non essendo italiani non li conoscevamo, e in più il menù era, come detto in precedenza, solo in tedesco), ma non abbiamo ricevuto nessuna risposta ai nostri dubbi se non "prendilo, è buono". Non so se la nostra esperienza negativa sia stata una casualità, ma di certo non ci torneremo mai più neanche per dargli una seconda possibilità. Lo sconsiglio al 100%.
Don't be fooled by the positive reviews. We were here in March convinced that we eat very well, the appetizer was good and very abundant with other ingredients that were not listed on the menu (exclusively in German). The Grostel was very good, while the shank, unlike what is written in the reviews, was totally bland and we wouldn't even have finished eating it unless we were paying for it. The place is quaint but very small, neglected and outdated. As soon as we arrived we did not even understand where the entrance to the restaurant was as all the doors had been closed. Opening one at random we were able to enter and we were "greeted" by a gentleman (who I believe was the owner) obviously drunk. The reviews describe him as a nice guy and company, while the only thing that came out of us was a huge feeling of discomfort, and while waiting for the preparation of the kitchen dishes he was almost falling asleep, literally, on his feet. The lack of professionalism was also confirmed by the fact that we asked questions regarding some dishes and its ingredients (I remind you that the dishes were not Italian we did not know them, and in addition the menu was, as previously mentioned, only in German), but we have not received any answers to our doubts other than "take it, it's good". I don't know if our negative experience was a coincidence, but we will certainly never go back there again to even give it a second chance. I do not recommend it 100%.
Martin Oberleiter on Google

Sheryl H on Google

Tyrolian food in a
Lukáš Pitoňák on Google

Nice place to have dinner. Food was nice. Not the best, but really good. Thank you
Sevie Sladkarova on Google

All the food the waiter suggested was AMAZING and super delicious! The atmosphere there is so nice.

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