Sapori del sole

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sapori del sole

Address :

84012 Angri SA, Italy

Postal code : 84012
Categories :
City : Angri

84012 Angri SA, Italy
Gennaro D'ambrosio on Google

Copack super come gestione e come disponibilità
Copack super in terms of management and availability
miran josipovic on Google

Ovu firmu treba zatvorit..8 sati utovaro 30 pal..2 sata im treba za papire..
This company needs to be closed..8 hours loaded 30 inches..2 hours they need paper ..
Laki Luk on Google

Stann accis... mezzo carrellista x caricare 5 camion che lote
Stann accis ... half a forklift driver to load 5 trucks that fight
Vladimir Kostic on Google

Drsko bezobrazno i ne vaspitano osoblje, utovar traje ceo dan. U ovu firmu ne zelim cak ni najgorem ne prijatelju da dodje..
Cheeky rude and uneducated staff, loading lasts all day. I don't want even the worst friend to come to this company.
Constantin Galon on Google

Aglomerat ,fără locuri de parcare . Perioade mari de așteptare pentru încărcare.
Crowded, no parking spaces. Long waiting periods for loading.
fabio novelli on Google

Non per colpa dei magazzinieri, ma l organizzazione in questo deposito e pura utopia non si sa quante pedane devi caricare per contarle si presentano in tre e vengono fuori tre risultati diversi poi per i documenti ci impiegano più di un ora. Per esserci andato una sola volta sono stato impressionato in negativo.
It is not the fault of the warehouse workers, but the organization in this warehouse is pure utopia. No one knows how many platforms you have to load to count them. For just going there once, I was negatively impressed.
Antonio Panariello on Google

Stann nguaiat
Partenie Asloviciu on Google

Wasted time. 6 hours from arrival to departure. The man on the forklift is the only pro. Quick self-loading in trailer with electric transpallet, but a lot of time lost before and after for paperwork.

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