Santuario Mariano Madonna della Spina

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Contact Santuario Mariano Madonna della Spina

Address :

Via Carnia, 88046 Lamezia Terme CZ, Italy

Postal code : 88046
Categories :
City : Lamezia Terme

Via Carnia, 88046 Lamezia Terme CZ, Italy
Saverio Politano on Google

Francesco Sorrentino on Google

Lorenzo Colistra on Google

La tradizione racconta che un ragazzo nicastrese di Bella era andato nei boschi a tagliare la legna. A un certo punto ebbe la visione di una donna bellissima che gli chiese di cercare tra lo spineto un quadro. Trovo un dipinto della Madonna. Per ringraziarlo gli fece dono di una moneta d'oro con cui ha provveduto per i bisogni della famiglia povera.
Tradition says that a guy Nicastro Bella had gone into the woods to cut wood. At one point he had a vision of a beautiful woman who asked him to search through the brier a framework. I find a painting of the Madonna. To thank him gave him a gift of a gold coin with which he has done for the needs of the poor family.
Thomas Willert on Google

Santa Maria della Spina ist eine Kleinod und die älteste Kirche Lamezias. Die wunderschöne Kapelle besitzt als Höhepunkt ein mittelalterliches Fresko mit Maria und Kind, das auf der rechten Seite zu finden ist. In der Tradition der Menschen aus Bella war „Maria della Spina“ stets ein besonderer Ort der Maria. Die Oma meiner Frau, gebürtig aus Bella, ging früher jeden Abend im Monat Mai in diese Kapelle in die Messe. Seit 1994 hat die Kapelle den offiziellen Status als Marien-Heiligtum. Wir sind mit Domenico Di Sensi ins Gespräch gekommen. Er ist der Kirchenpfleger und hat uns den Garten mit den Rosensträuchern und den heiligen Blättern gezeigt. Er erklärte, dass die Kapelle ca. 1000-1200 Jahre alt ist und das Gemälde byzantinischer Stil ist. Es sei nach der Kirche in Gerace die zweitälteste Kirche Kalabriens. Absolut sehenswert!
Santa Maria della Spina is a gem and the oldest church in Lamecia. The highlight of the beautiful chapel is a medieval fresco with Mary and Child, which can be found on the right. In the tradition of the people from Bella, “Maria della Spina” has always been a special place for Maria. My wife's grandma, a native of Bella, used to go to mass in this chapel every night in May. The chapel has had the official status of a Marian shrine since 1994. We got in touch with Domenico Di Sensi. He is the church keeper and showed us the garden with the rose bushes and the holy leaves. He stated that the chapel is around 1000-1200 years old and the painting is Byzantine style. It is the second oldest church in Calabria after the church in Gerace. Absolutely worth seeing!
Vibha Rao on Google

This is probably the most historic church in lamezia though I’m not an original lametino to be sure of it! It’s an exquisite little church that was built on the site where they found an ancient fresco of the Madonna and child. The colours of the fresco are beautifully preserved and displayed elegantly with a small altar in front. It’s a picturesque part of town called Bella quartiere with leafy streets and a quiet atmosphere though I heard a local shopkeeper say there are thieves about here so you have to be careful whilst looking around.

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