Santuario di Monte Albano

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Santuario di Monte Albano

Address :

Via Monte Albano, 1, 38065 Mori TN, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9987
Postal code : 38065
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Categories :
City : Mori

Via Monte Albano, 1, 38065 Mori TN, Italy
marco1969. on Google

Il santuario di Montalbano dedicato alla madonna dell'Annunziata si caratterizza dal campanile a cuspide e dal grande orologio di 4 santuario è legato anche alla figura di san Giuseppe ,raggiungibile tramite un sentiero dalla cittadina di Mori ,che dall'alto domina con bella vista su tutta la valle
The sanctuary of Montalbano dedicated to the Madonna of the Annunziata is characterized by the spire bell tower and the large clock of 4 meters. The sanctuary is also linked to the figure of St. Joseph, reachable via a path from the town of Mori, which from above dominates with nice view over the whole valley
Артём Бойко on Google

Очень красивое место, а обзор вообще уникальный
A very beautiful place, and the overview is generally unique
Ed Szymańska on Google

Sanktuarium Zwiastowania stoi na ruinach starożytnego zamku Castle zniszczonego przez Wenecjan w 1439 roku. Kościół został zbudowany w 1567 roku i odrestaurowany w 1957. Ma prostą konstrukcję, skośny sufit i ośmiokątną latarnię nad głównym wejściem. Fasada jest upiększona portalem i dwoma oknami bocznymi z czerwonego marmuru w kształcie profili barokowych wykonanym przez rzeźbiarza Valentino Lucchi w 1757 roku. Drzwi zdobi 6 zmysłów Ludwika Bombana, rzeźbiarza z Mori. Barokowe ołtarze przedstawią epizody z życia Chrystusa. Wieża kościoła od strony południowej jest ozdobiona dużym zegarem widocznym z doliny. Przed kościołem, pod drzewami, jest studnia z ręcznie kutym kołowrotem i marmurową cembrowiną. Za kościołem znajdują się ruiny zamku, niestety wejść tam nie można. U podnóża wzgórza, na którym stał zamek, są wydrążone w skale duże groty. Tuż obok, na niewielkiej równinie, widać pozostałości ogrodów zamkowych lub kościelnych. Teren jest zadbany i przygotowany do odbycia krótkiego odpoczynku lub pikniku z rodziną. Z tablic poglądowych można uzyskać informacje na temat wspinaczki dla odważnych po pionowej skale, która góruje nad kościołem. Z dziedzińca kościelnego oraz ze wzniesienia obok, rozpościera się zapierający dech w piersiach widok na miasteczko Mori i całą dolinę Adygi.
The Annunciation Sanctuary stands on the ruins of the ancient Castle Castle destroyed by the Venetians in 1439. The church was built in 1567 and restored in 1957. It has a simple structure, an oblique ceiling and an octagonal lantern above the main entrance. The facade is decorated with a portal and two side windows of red marble in the shape of baroque profiles made by sculptor Valentino Lucchi in 1757. The door is decorated with 6 senses by Ludwik Bomban, a sculptor from Mori. Baroque altars will present episodes from the life of Christ. The church tower on the south side is decorated with a large clock visible from the valley. In front of the church, under the trees, there is a well with a hand-forged turnstile and marble timbres. Behind the church are the ruins of the castle, unfortunately you can not enter there. At the foot of the hill on which the castle stood, there are large caves carved into the rock. Right next to it, on a small plain, you can see the remains of castle or church gardens. The area is well-kept and prepared for a short rest or picnic with the family. The information boards provide information on climbing for the brave on a vertical rock that dominates the church. From the church yard and from the hill next to it, there is a breathtaking view of the town of Mori and the entire Adyga valley.
Alberto Ghiro on Google

Il santuario di Montalbano domina l'abitato di Mori dal XVI secolo. Dedicato all'annunciazione della beata vergine Maria, il santuario è facilmente riconoscibile per la sua torre campanaria con grandissimo orologio visibile anche da grande distanza. Si raggiunge con breve passeggiata da Mori e nei suoi pressi si trova l'attacco della bella ferrata del Montalbano.
The sanctuary of Montalbano has dominated the town of Mori since the 16th century. Dedicated to the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the sanctuary is easily recognizable for its bell tower with a huge clock visible even from a great distance. It can be reached with a short walk from Mori and nearby is the start of the beautiful Montalbano via ferrata.
Rolando Larcher on Google

Good viewpoint!
Zdeněk Novotný on Google

Great via ferrata!
Max Otto von Stierlitz on Google

Tiny church at the foot of the mountain. Boulder place and ruins of castle are neighbors. And you have the water source next to it.
Ml avc on Google

Sanctuary Lovely mystic place! MORI located south east of lake Garda . Higly recommended this landmark. P.s parking lot is pretty tricky to find, but give your best positive attitude will help. Xoxo thank you fot checking out my reviews

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