Sabbie d’oro

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sabbie d’oro

Address :

21020 Brebbia VA, Italy

Postal code : 21020
Categories :
City : Brebbia

21020 Brebbia VA, Italy
Andrea on Google

Una delle poche spiagge di sabbia sul lago Maggiore, senza servizi di alcun tipo, sconsigliato nuotarci (acqua paludosa) va bene forse per far rinfrescare i cani. Meglio non andarci da soli, a volte gente poco raccomandabile. La vicina spiaggia del Gurèe a Monvalle é molto meglio.
One of the few sandy beaches on Lake Maggiore, without services of any kind, not recommended to swim in (marshy water) is fine perhaps to cool the dogs. Better not to go there alone, sometimes unsavory people. The nearby Gurèe beach in Monvalle is much better.
Albo the king on Google

Bellissimo posto con natura incontaminata, peccato sia molto frequentato da persone losche e poco raccomandabili. Frequentato da uomini di diverse età che sfruttano questo parco per piaceri sessuali e altro. Sconsiglio di andarci da soli
Beautiful place with uncontaminated nature, sin is very frequented by shady and disreputable people. Frequented by men of different ages who exploit this park for sexual pleasures and more. I do not recommend going there alone
Ramona on Google

Der Strand ist nicht wirklich gepflegt und gemütlich zu verweilen. Hier muss man ziemlich weit gehen, um überhaupt schwimmen zu können, da es sehr lange flach ist. Glasscherben und Müll liegt hier auch einiges rum. Ich denke, deshalb ist hier auch nicht wirklich was los. Das ist aber auch schon das einzig gute.
The beach is not really maintained and comfortable to stay. Here you have to go quite far to swim at all, as it is flat for a very long time. Lumps of glass and garbage is here a lot around. I think that's why there is not really anything going on here. But that's the only good thing.
Raffaele Maradei on Google

Fino a trent anni fa era la spiaggia più bella della zona, con parcheggio grandissimo e bar in struttura in legno tipo baita, ed era meta di turisti italiani e stranieri. Ora rimane un posto selvaggio, abbandonato, con divieto di balneazione. Forse è meglio così, lasciato alla natura....
Until thirty years ago it was the most beautiful beach in the area, with very large parking and a bar in a wooden structure like a cabin, and was the destination of Italian and foreign tourists. Now it remains a wild, abandoned place, with a ban on bathing. Perhaps it is better this way, left to nature ....
Orso on Google

Sarebbe un posto bellissimo, da ragazzo ci andavo spesso con i miei amici, adesso è diventato impossibile perchè mal frequentato, di giorno, e peggio di notte. Non capisco perchè il comune non fa nulla.
It would be a beautiful place, as a boy I often went there with my friends, now it has become impossible because it is poorly attended, during the day, and worse at night. I do not understand why the municipality does nothing.
mirko vigezzi on Google

Die goldenen Strände von Monvalle ... was mich betrifft, finde ich sie sehr romantisch, sicherlich werden sie nicht perfekt sein, aber wir müssen denken, dass der See lebt und jeden Tag eine Erinnerung an sein Leben ans Ufer bringt .... und wir müssen auch an die astronomischen Ausgaben denken, die verwendet werden, um ihn sauber zu halten, da dieser Strand nicht sehr belebt und schwer zu finden ist. Wie ich schon sagte, ich finde es wunderschön ... sehr romantisch bei Sonnenuntergang für einen unvergesslichen Abend mit Ihren Frauen oder Freundinnen ... Oder einfach zum Angeln in Gegenden, in denen Strandtouristen nicht ankommen können.
The golden beaches of Monvalle ... for me I find them very romantic, for sure they will not be perfect, but we have to think that the lake is alive and every day brings a memory of its life to the shore ... and we also have to think about the astronomical expenses used to keep it clean as this beach is not very busy and difficult to find. As I said, I think it's beautiful ... very romantic at sunset for an unforgettable evening with your wives or girlfriends ... or just fishing in areas where beach tourists cannot arrive.
Cinzia Leonardi on Google

Luogo meraviglioso e rilassante, sembra di essere fuori dal mondo perché non c'è ne una panchina né niente; bene così dato che il Lago Maggiore è ricco di punti iper attrezzati
Wonderful and relaxing place, it seems to be out of this world because there is neither a bench nor anything; so well given that Lake Maggiore is full of hyper-aided points

poco curato e il colore dell'acqua come da foto a mio avviso poco invitante. Per il resto in luogo è immerso nella natura adatta per una scampagnata più che per un bagno
poorly maintained and the color of the water as shown in the photos in my opinion uninviting. For the rest in place it is surrounded by nature suitable for a picnic rather than for a swim

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