S.I. cart

3.5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact S.I. cart

Address :

V.le Toscana, 60, 06016 San Giustino PG, Italy

Phone : 📞 +978
Postal code : 06016
Categories :
City : San Giustino

V.le Toscana, 60, 06016 San Giustino PG, Italy
Marco Belardi on Google

Cordiali educati e professionali ... specialmente la ragazza che mi ha risposto al telefono.
Friendly polite and professional ... especially the girl who answered the phone.
Marcin Ja on Google

Wjazd na rozładunek od ul. Via empoli dzwonek przy bramie, później waga, plac - oba boki znów waga. Wszystko trwa ok 3h
Entry for unloading from ul. Via empoli, the bell at the gate, then the weight, the square - both sides, again weight. Everything takes about 3 hours

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