
3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Rosini

Address :

Via Dante Alighieri, 1, 34122 Trieste TS, Italy

Phone : 📞 +988
Opening hours :
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–1PM
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :
City : Trieste

Via Dante Alighieri, 1, 34122 Trieste TS, Italy
Fulvia Benussi on Google

Un negozio storico di Trieste, dove la scortesia delle commesse è sicuramente la prima caratteristica. Maleducazione e scortesia regnano nell’approccio al cliente.
A historical shop in Trieste, where the rudeness of the orders is certainly the first characteristic. Rudeness and rudeness reign in the client approach.
Davide Mircovich on Google

Ho ricevuto in regalo un paio di scarpe acquistate da mia moglie in questo negozio. Provate a casa le ho riportate il giorno seguente per cambiarle con un numero più piccolo. Le commesse, guardando la suola che aveva forse due grani di polvere, hanno asserito che le avevo usate (per uscire ndr.). Ho dovuto insistere e giurare più volte che non era così prima che, con molta reticenza e spocchia accettassero di cambiarle. Personale navigato, forse troppo, così come i divanetti fatiscenti totalmente inadeguati per un negozio di quel calibro. Non ci tornerò di certo.
I received a pair of shoes my wife bought in this shop as a gift. Try it at home I brought them back the following day to exchange them for a smaller number. The shop assistants, looking at the sole that had perhaps two grains of dust, asserted that I had used them (to go out ed.). I had to insist and swear several times that this was not the case before, with a lot of reticence and arrogance, they agreed to change them. Staff experienced, perhaps too much, as well as the dilapidated sofas totally inadequate for a shop of that caliber. I will certainly not go back.
Ariel on Google

All'angolo sinistro di via Dante, verso piazza della Repubblica, palazzo Terni è l'esempio maggiormente significativo del liberty triestino.
On the left corner of Via Dante, towards Piazza della Repubblica, Palazzo Terni is the most significant example of Trieste's liberty.
Alessia Antoniazzi on Google

Abbiamo acquistato due paia di scarpe. Il primo paio aveva un difetto di manifattura di cui ci siamo accorti solo dopo l'acquisto, per cui risultava impossibile calzare una scarpa, ma la commessa si è rifiutata di restituirla alla ditta produttrice, appigliandosi alla scusa che il tacco sembrava consumato e quindi non avrebbe potuto rivenderle (ovvio, avrebbe dovuto chiederne la sostituzione alla fabbrica, non ci avrebbe rimesso nulla da negoziante). Nel secondo paio, invece, dopo soli due giorni si sono aperte delle bolle nelle suole. Scarpe da buttare.
We purchased two pairs of shoes. The first pair had a manufacturing defect that we only noticed after the purchase, so it was impossible to put on a shoe, but the order refused to return it to the manufacturer, taking advantage of the excuse that the heel seemed worn and therefore not he could have sold them (of course, he should have asked for their replacement at the factory, he wouldn't have lost anything as a shopkeeper). In the second pair, however, after only two days bubbles opened in the soles. Throw-away shoes.
Gabriele Cosoli on Google

Seccante esperienza. Ho comprato un paio di stivaletti da 160euro che dopo sole 2 settimane presentavano un difetto alla soletta interna la quale si alzava arricciandosi. Dopo averli portati in negozio la responsabile si è rifiutata categoricamente di ritirarli, invitandomi in malo modo a portarli dal calzolaio. Quando si paga per un prodotto in una boutique di questo genere non si paga solo la qualità del prodotto ma anche quella del servizio che in questo caso è stato pessimo.
Annoying experience. I bought a pair of 160euro boots which after just 2 weeks had a defect on the inner sole which got up wrinkling. After bringing them to the shop, the manager categorically refused to collect them, inviting me badly to take them to the shoemaker. When you pay for a product in a boutique of this kind you pay not only the quality of the product but also that of the service which in this case was very bad.
Dominik Hartl-McWilliam on Google

I love my shoes form there. The shop assistant was so nice and polite. I will come back.
Paul Veness on Google

A lovely old school style shoe shop. I excitedly purchased a pair of Galizio Torresi shoes, the lady patiently bought about 10 pairs from the stockroom for me to try before I made my purchase. Great service.
Milica Putnikovic on Google

Yesterday I wanted to try shoes and by three pair, but blonde, older salslady was absolutly unmannerly. She didnt want to show me the shoes that I am looking for. First she told me that she spik ounly italian, than one lady came after me and sailslady without order show shoes to her. I have been to Rosini since 1980 . every wintter and summer until 1995. It was very respectfool stores. Sailladys and sailmans was very polite, but yesterday older, blonde was funny without respect. I hope, that relationship is not image for Rosini store. Milica from Belgrade.

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