RoRas Destination Wedding Tuscany & Ibiza

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact RoRas Destination Wedding Tuscany & Ibiza

Address :

Via Gino, Via G. Funaioli, 7, 56045 Pomarance PI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9988
Postal code : 56045
Website :
Categories :
City : Pomarance

Via Gino, Via G. Funaioli, 7, 56045 Pomarance PI, Italy
rob ras on Google

Nicola on Google

Giovanna Ruggiero on Google

Disponibilità, creatività, professionalità e attenzione ai dettagli. Super!!!
Availability, creativity, professionalism and attention to detail. Super!!!
Serena Marchi on Google

Grande professionista, dotato di un forte e ineguagliabile carisma. Super creativo e molto disponibile.
Great professional, with a strong and unparalleled charisma. Super creative and very helpful.
H. A. on Google

Roberto macht seine Arbeit mit großer Freude und Zuverlässigkeit. Sein besondere Feinsinn für Ästhetik, die Präzision bezüglich Organisation und seine Zuverlässigkeit, machen ihn zu einem Hit Wedding und Special Event Planner.
Roberto does his job with great pleasure and reliability. His special sensitivity for aesthetics, the precision in terms of organization and his reliability make him a hit wedding and special event planner.
Luca Gabrielli on Google

Ho avuto il piacere di rivolgermi a questa agenzia di eventi la scorsa estate e il servizio che mi hanno offerto è stato ottimale.Sia durante la preparazione che durante l’evento stesso gli organizzatori sono stati totalmente devoti alla realizzazione di un prodotto perfetto.Attenzione,buon gusto,cura di ogni minimo dettaglio ed estrema professionalità e simpatia.Anche gli invitati dell’occasione ci hanno riempito di complimenti per la bella giornata passata in un luogo incantevole della Toscana. Le nostre aspettative sono state ampiamente confermate.....anzi superate!Grazie e speriamo alla prossima!
I had the pleasure of contacting this event agency last summer and the service they offered me was excellent. Both during the preparation and during the event itself the organizers were totally devoted to making a perfect product. good taste, attention to every detail and extreme professionalism and sympathy. Even the guests of the occasion filled us with compliments for the beautiful day spent in an enchanting place in Tuscany. Our expectations have been amply confirmed ..... indeed exceeded! Thanks and we hope to see you next time!
Emanuela Gobbini on Google

Ho avuto il piacere di affidarmi a lui per la comunione di mio figlio...Devo dire che non ho mai fatto una scelta migliore di professionalità, la puntualità e la super organizzazione in tutto, anche nei minimi particolari ha reso la giornata mio giardino si è trasformato in poche ore in un bellissimo posto da cerimonia. Lo consiglio a tutti per qualsiasi tipo di evento, la personalità di Roberto renderà qualsiasi evento e posto una magia..Grazie davvero è stata una giornata indimenticabile .
I had the pleasure of entrusting myself to him for my son's communion ... I must say that I have never made a better choice than this ... the professionalism, punctuality and super organization in everything, even in the smallest details, made the wonderful day .. my garden has been transformed in a few hours into a beautiful place for ceremonies. I recommend it to everyone for any type of event, Roberto's personality will make any event and place a magic .. Thank you so much it was an unforgettable day.
Sara Vottero on Google

I m astonished how professional Roberto is and how he was capable to turn my event into a magnificent night ,impossible to forget . I contacted Roberto after hearing great feedback from my colleague ,and he carefully listened to my requests . He showed me in just few days ,how much love and passion he has for this job . He was so careful of every single detail ,flowers ,lights ,table cloths, and anything your could think of . I just wanted to say a massive thank you and I will definitely contact him again!

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