Personal Trainer Bruneck - Marcello Serra

5/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Personal Trainer Bruneck - Marcello Serra

Address :

Dietenheimerstraße, 15a, 39031 Brunico BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97998
Postal code : 39031
Website :
Categories :
City : Brunico

Dietenheimerstraße, 15a, 39031 Brunico BZ, Italy
Ruth nn on Google

Deborah Lecca on Google

Susi Kosta on Google

Marcello ist sehr professionell und kompetent. Bin seit 3 monaten bei ihm, um meine kreuz schmerzen in Griff zu bekommen Ich fùhle mich sehr wohl bei ihm Er erklàrt sehr genau und begleiet einen bei jeder ùbung. Ich h kann das training mit marcello nur empfehlen.
Marcello is very professional and knowledgeable. I've been with him for 3 months to get my low back pain under control I feel very comfortable with him He explains very precisely and accompanies you during every exercise. I can only recommend training with marcello.
Paola Caruso on Google

Ho avuto il piacere di lavorare con Marcello che, oltre ad essere molto competente nel suo lavoro, ha molta empatia che gli permette di capire quali sono i tuoi obiettivi e come raggiungerli. Ognuno di noi è diverso ed un lavoro one to one come fa Marcello ha un valore aggiunto.
I had the pleasure of working with Marcello who, in addition to being very competent in his work, has a lot of empathy that allows him to understand what your goals are and how to achieve them. Each of us is different and a one to one job like Marcello does has an added value.
Helene Wiedenhofer on Google

Bin sehr begeistert von der Arbeit die Marcello sehr gewissenhaft ausführt. Habe große Probleme mit meinen Rückenschmerzen, die ich jetzt dank des guten Trainings gut in Griff bekomme. Was mir sehr gefällt:ich werde über jede Übung sehr genau und verständlich aufgeklärt, sehr professionell. Danke Marcello für deine immer freundliche und humorvolle Arbeit???
I am very enthusiastic about the work that Marcello carries out very conscientiously. I have big problems with my back pain, which I can now get under control thanks to good training. What I like a lot: I get detailed and understandable explanations about every exercise, very professionally. Thank you Marcello for your always friendly and humorous work???
Andrea Filippo Tuveri on Google

Marcello è un trainer competente, con una lunga esperienza di settore, in grado di preparare una persona per il tipo di obiettivo richiesto. Alle capacità tecniche va aggiunta la qualità dell'ascolto e dell'empatia personale. Nel mio caso, ho esigenze specifiche: alto e magro, braccia e torace deboli, troppe ore di scrivania al giorno che pesano sulla schiena, tendenza a evitare esercizi dove entra in gioco l'equilibrio. In questi anni Marcello mi ha fatto lavorare bene, nel modo in cui sentivo di averne bisogno, puntando a migliorare i miei punti deboli. E sempre con una buona dose di divertimento. Sempre molto utili le spiegazioni che dà sul momento su come funzionano i muscoli e il corpo in generale quando ci esercitiamo. Un trainer dovrebbe essere esattamente così.
Marcello is a competent trainer, with a long experience in the sector, able to prepare a person for the type of goal required. The quality of listening and personal empathy must be added to the technical skills. In my case, I have specific needs: tall and thin, weak arms and chest, too many desk hours a day that weigh on my back, tendency to avoid exercises where balance comes into play. In recent years Marcello has made me work well, in the way I felt I needed it, aiming to improve my weak points. And always with a good dose of fun. The explanations he gives on the spot on how muscles and the body in general work when we exercise are always very useful. A trainer should be exactly like that.
Sara R. on Google

Ich schreibe die Rezension als übergewichtige Person, die ihren ganzen Mut genommen hat, um sich bei einem Personal Trainer etwas Gutes zu tun. Ich kann Marcello nur loben. Er ist sehr professionell, bei jeder Übung erklärt er was im Körper passiert bzw. welche Muskeln in Anspruch genommen werden. Zudem hat er eine wunderbare freundliche Art und er ist sehr flexibel in der Terminabmachung. Ich kann ihn nur empfehlen!!!! Seit ich hier trainiere fühle ich mich wunderbar. Meine bürogeschädigte Haltung und mein allgemeines Wohlbefinden sind so viel besser geworden. Jeder kann sich und seinem Körper etwas gutes tun.
I am writing the review as an overweight person who has taken all his courage to do something good for himself with a personal trainer. I can only praise Marcello. He is very professional, with every exercise he explains what happens in the body and which muscles are used. In addition, he has a wonderfully friendly manner and he is very flexible in making appointments. I can only recommend him!!!! Since I've been training here I feel wonderful. My office-damaged demeanor and general well-being have gotten so much better. Everyone can do something good for themselves and their bodies.

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