Pepe Nero

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pepe Nero

Address :

Via Eugenio Santacesaria, n. 13, 72023 Mesagne BR, Italy

Postal code : 72023
Categories :
City : Mesagne

Via Eugenio Santacesaria, n. 13, 72023 Mesagne BR, Italy
Sonia Spinello on Google

Peccato non si possa dare più stelle......cenato fuori in un suggestivo vicoletto di Mesagne, dove ad accoglierci c'è la signora Daniela che con professionalità e simpatia ci consiglia una cena impareggiabile e dell'ottimo vino, un plauso aggiuntivo allo chef per la ricerca della qualità della materia prima che era superlativa, ringrazio anche per l'attenzione in più che hanno avuto nei confronti di mia figlia che ha mangiato diversamente dal resto della compagnia, apprezzatissimo Rapporto qualità prezzo ottimo
Too bad we can not give more stars ...... dining out in a charming alley of Mesagne, where to welcome us there is Mrs. Daniela that with professionalism and sympathy recommends us an incomparable dinner and excellent wine, an additional praise to the chef for the search for the quality of the raw material that was superb, I also thank you for the extra attention they have had towards my daughter who ate differently from the rest of the company, highly appreciated Value for money excellent
Alberto Giannotta on Google

Bel posto in un contesto suggestivo. I piatti di pesce dimostravano una certa freschezza e sapore e il personale era gentile e ben formato
Nice place in a suggestive context. The fish dishes showed a certain freshness and flavor and the staff was friendly and well-trained
Valentina Gigliola on Google

Buon pesce fresco e buoni i primi. Servizio scadente e poco attento. Menù senza prezzi che sono esposti solo esternamente al locale e questo non va bene.
Good fresh fish and good the first. Poor and careless service. Menus without prices that are exposed only outside the premises and this is not good.
Mina Epifani on Google

? I Ristoranti e gli Edifici Sacri di Via Santacesarea. Frontoni, pinnacoli ed edicole votive, fregi carparo e cornici in tempura. Calici di malvasia bianca e champagne di Chaource per sentirsi freschi ma non ghiacciati. Molluschi, crostacei e pesce azzurro conditi con olio, limone e PEPE NERO. Mentre sarete comodamente seduti davanti al vostro piatto, non mancherà né il mare, né il sole né il pescatore ?... ? Pepe nero | Via Santacesarea 13, Mesagne
Ristoranti Restaurants and Sacred Buildings in Via Santacesarea. Gables, pinnacles and votive shrines, carparo friezes and tempura frames. Goblets of white Malvasia and Chaource champagne to feel fresh but not frozen. Mollusks, crustaceans and blue fish seasoned with oil, lemon and BLACK PEPPER. While you are comfortably seated in front of your plate, you will not miss the sea, nor the sun nor the fisherman ... ? Black pepper | Via Santacesarea 13, Mesagne
Dott. Roberto Dicursi, Optometrista on Google

La genuinità è elemento prerogativo che caratterizza le portate ed il modo di essere e di fare dei gentili gestori. Consigliato per chi vuole coccolare il proprio palato con piatti originali, genuini e saporitissimi.
Authenticity is a prerogative element that characterizes the courses and the way of being and doing of the friendly managers. Recommended for those who want to pamper their palate with original, genuine and tasty dishes.
Giuseppina Brigante on Google

Nn ero m a i andata in questo locale... Degli amici mi hanno portata... Il locale è molto piccolo ma carino... Ottimo cibo solo pesce ottimi i vini e buonissimi anche i dolci... Un posto che consiglierei a tutti!
Nn I m a i went to this place ... Friends took me ... The restaurant is very small but nice ... Great food fish only excellent wines and delicious desserts also ... A place you would recommend to everyone!
AlainenPetragaantrouwen “en Petra gaan trouwen” on Google

Aanrader als je in de regio bent en van vis hou. Je wordt geholpen in het Engels (zo goed als ze kunnen) en je kan ook met gebaren en smartphone veel te weten komen. Keuze is ruim maar er is geen kaart. Alle dagen een ander menu naargelang de vis dat werd aangekocht. De kaart wordt overlopen waar je nadien je keuze kan van maken. Er wordt geholpen met uw keuze en passen aan waar mogelijk. Best is per gang aangeven wat je wenst om dan de volgende gang te overlopen. Prijzen zijn de dagprijs van de vis en correct in vergelijking met vlees, waar vis altijd en overal duurder is. Prijzen zijn naar de normen van de regio. Eindigen doe je met een citroen sorbet en een digestief "amaro" een lokaal kruindendrank. Aangenaam verrast en lekker gegeten in een mooi kader. Een topper.
Recommended if you are in the region and you like fish. You will be helped in English (as well as they can) and you can also learn a lot with gestures and smartphones. There is a wide choice but there is no map. Every day a different menu depending on the fish that was purchased. The card is run through which you can then make your choice from. We help with your choice and adjust where possible. It is best to indicate per course what you wish to go through the next course. Prices are the daily price of the fish and correct in comparison with meat, where fish is always and everywhere more expensive. Prices are according to the standards of the region. You end up with a lemon sorbet and a "amaro" digestif, a local cross drink. Pleasantly surprised and good food in a beautiful setting. A topper.
michelangelo on Google

Locale accogliente, buonissimi vini cucina strepitosa. Lo chef valorizza in ogni piatto i prodotti che sceglie accuratamente, il pesce é sempre freschissimo, scelto con amore e cura ogni frutto di mare che viene servito. I primi piatti sono generosi e cucinati con sapori eccellenti. Vale sicuramente sedersi e gustarsi una buon pasto, prezzi ottimi
Cozy restaurant, delicious wines, amazing cuisine. The chef enhances the products he carefully chooses in every dish, the fish is always fresh, chosen with love and care every sea fruit that is served. The first courses are generous and cooked with excellent flavors. Definitely sit down and enjoy a good meal, great prices

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