Parrocchia Santo Stefano - Lavagna

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Parrocchia Santo Stefano - Lavagna

Address :

Piazza Marconi Guglielmo, 17, 16033 Lavagna GE, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98998
Postal code : 16033
Categories :
City : Lavagna

Piazza Marconi Guglielmo, 17, 16033 Lavagna GE, Italy
Veronica Bonura on Google

La chiesa di santo Stefano si trova appena sopra una scalinata nel centro storico di Lavagna. La struttura ha origini antichissime, con successive ristrutturazioni, l'ultima nel 1936 con il completamento della facciata. La facciata sembra in tipo tardorinascimentale. L'interno è diviso in tre navate in stile barocco. Le caratteristiche da notare: ⭐ Altare della Madonna della Guardia con pala: "Madonna della guardia con San Giuliano e San Martino" di Giuseppe Galeotti del XVIII secolo. ⭐ Altare dell'Immacolata concezione con pala: "Immacolata Concezione". ⭐ Altare della Santissima Trinità con pala: "Mistero della Trinità con San Bernardino e San Rocco" di Taggi Pietro e Paolo. ⭐Cappella con il Crocifisso. ⭐ Cappella con la statua della Nostra Signora del Rosario. ⭐Altare di San Nicola da Bari con pala: "Cristo Risorto con San Nicola da Bari e Santo Stefano" di Domenico Piola del XVII secolo. ⭐ Altare dei Santi Pietro ed Andrea con pala: "Pesca Miracolosa" di Giuseppe Galeotti del XVIII secolo. ⭐Altare di Sam Giuseppe con pala: "Natività di San Giovannino" di autore anonimo francese. ⭐Altare di Sant'Antonio da Padova con pala: "Maria Assunta in cielo con Sant'Antonio e San Francesco Saverio". ⭐Arca processionale con statua di Stefano Promartire dello sculture savonese Brilla del 1863. DA VISITARE ASSOLUTAMENTE. Ingresso: libero.
The church of Santo Stefano is located just above a staircase in the historic center of Lavagna. The structure has ancient origins, with subsequent renovations, the last in 1936 with the completion of the facade. The facade appears to be in the late Renaissance style. The interior is divided into three aisles in the Baroque style. Features to note: ⭐ Altar of the Madonna della Guardia with altarpiece: "Madonna della Guardia with San Giuliano and San Martino" by Giuseppe Galeotti from the 18th century. ⭐ Altar of the Immaculate Conception with altarpiece: "Immaculate Conception". ⭐ Altar of the Holy Trinity with altarpiece: "Mystery of the Trinity with San Bernardino and San Rocco" by Taggi Pietro e Paolo. ⭐Chapel with the Crucifix. ⭐ Chapel with the statue of Our Lady of the Rosary. ⭐Altar of St. Nicholas of Bari with altarpiece: "Risen Christ with St. Nicholas of Bari and St. Stephen" by Domenico Piola of the seventeenth century. ⭐ Altar of Saints Peter and Andrew with altarpiece: "Miraculous Fishing" by Giuseppe Galeotti from the 18th century. ⭐Altar of Sam Giuseppe with altarpiece: "Nativity of San Giovannino" by an anonymous French author. ⭐Altar of Sant'Antonio da Padova with altarpiece: "Maria Assunta in cielo with Sant'Antonio and San Francesco Saverio". ⭐ Processional Ark with a statue of Stefano Promartire by the Savona sculptor Brilla from 1863. TO VISIT ABSOLUTELY. Free admission.
ⴼⵔⴰⵏⴽⴻⵙⴽⵓ on Google

Bellissima architettura.. Da non perdere anche l'annesso cimitero, subito dietro!
Beautiful architecture .. Do not miss the attached cemetery, just behind it!
Marianna Cocchi on Google

Bellissima Chiesa barocca che lascia a bocca aperta una volta entrati per la maestosità e la ricchezza nei particolari. Sicuramente vale la pena farci una visita, in qualsiasi periodo dell’anno
Beautiful Baroque Church that leaves you speechless once you enter for the majesty and richness in the details. Definitely worth a visit, at any time of the year
Francesco Aschieri on Google

Il sagrato più bello del levante ligure, incastonato tra il carrugio e lo splendido cimitero monumentale alle sue spalle.
The most beautiful churchyard in eastern Liguria, set between the alley and the splendid monumental cemetery behind it.
Tina Micheli on Google

Basilica di Santo Stefano!!! Великолепный кафедральный собор - украшение города lavagna - сразу видно, что сотворение этого чуда было по таким невиданным технологиям великого таинственного прошлого, что нам, современным людям, остаётся только застыть с выражением восторга и удивляться!!!???? Я думаю, что оно досталось в наследство людям, не имеющим никакого отношения к строительству этого чуда, как пирамиды не принадлежат наследию египтян, так и это сооружение своими корнями гораздо глубже, и, возможно, просто находится на этой территории, и, на самом деле, гораздо старше, чем мы думаем, и, возможно, имеет совершенно другие функции и предназначение в своём первоначальном замысле, о коих мы даже и не догадываемся. И как оно контрастирует с безобразным страшным портом Lavagna - вот это действительно показатель уровня современного строительства!!!???
Basilica di Santo Stefano !!! The magnificent cathedral is the decoration of the city of lavagna - you can immediately see that the creation of this miracle was based on such unprecedented technologies of the great mysterious past that we, modern people, can only freeze with an expression of delight and be surprised !!! ???? I think that it is inherited by people who have nothing to do with the construction of this miracle, just as the pyramids do not belong to the heritage of the Egyptians, and this structure with its roots is much deeper, and, perhaps, is simply located in this territory, and, in fact, is much older than we think, and, perhaps, has completely different functions and purpose in its original design, of which we do not even know. And how it contrasts with the ugly, scary port of Lavagna - this is really an indicator of the level of modern construction !!! ???
Marco B on Google

Marco Monteverde on Google

Very good
Amazing Bob Glitchy 4 on Google


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