Parrocchia Madonna di Campiglio

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Parrocchia Madonna di Campiglio

Address :

Via Campanil Basso, 5, 38086 Madonna di Campiglio TN, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97
Postal code : 38086
Website :,140/orari_sante_messe,765.html
Categories :
City : Madonna Di Campiglio

Via Campanil Basso, 5, 38086 Madonna di Campiglio TN, Italy
Giovanni Pellerino on Google

Chiesa molto suggestiva ,don bravo....un pochino lunga la predica..però veramente bravo!!
Very impressive church, Don good .... the sermon a little long .. but really good!
A. S. on Google

Un luogo di grande pace.nella chiesetta antica si recita il rosario prima della messa quotidiana delle 18. Il parroco storico tiene bellissime omelie.
A place of great peace. In the ancient church the rosary is said before the daily mass at 6pm. The historical pastor gives beautiful homilies.
gf camperi on Google

Bellissima chiesetta, finemente decorata da un maestoso altare il legno dorato e da colonnato, leggio e panche in legno intarsiato. Da vedere ed ammirare, anche con una preghiera.
Beautiful little church, finely decorated by a majestic gilded wooden altar and colonnade, lectern and inlaid wooden benches. To see and admire, even with a prayer.
Carmelo Conforti on Google

e' la nostra parrocchia quando siamo in estate a Madonna di Campiglio. S. Messa molto partecipata con un sacerdote prete prete. La chiesa a forma di vela con un anfiteatro per i fedeli, una Madonnina con Gesù molto bella e antica, un murales con i miracoli di Gesù e da non perdere assolutamente la chiesina antica nei pressi con una stupenda pala d'altare e tanto altro. ,
it is our parish when we are in the summer in Madonna di Campiglio. S. Mass very participated with a priest priest priest. The sail-shaped church with an amphitheater for the faithful, a very beautiful and ancient Madonnina with Jesus, a mural with the miracles of Jesus and absolutely not to be missed the ancient church nearby with a beautiful altarpiece and much more. ,
Cristina Jackson on Google

L'appuntamento con la Santa Messa in questa chiesa è come ritrovare la pace interiore, questo avviene grazie al Parroco che con le sue parole punta diritto al cuore di tutti noi, alle nostre coscienze. Non nomino il nome del Parroco per privacy ma lo farei volentieri perché è fantastico e diretto.
The appointment with the Holy Mass in this church is like rediscovering inner peace, this happens thanks to the parish priest who with his words points straight to the heart of all of us, to our consciences. I do not mention the parish priest's name for privacy but I would do it willingly because it is fantastic and direct.
Alberto Castegnaro on Google

Al passo di Campo Carlomagno c'é la Chiesa dedicata alla MADONNA D'EUROPA (non é la parrocchia che ha sede a Madonna di Campiglio, vedi sotto e foto allegate), chiesa in stile moderno, molto adeguato alla partecipazione religiosa, senza alcuna pretesa di architettura d'avanguardia. La Chiesa parrocchiale a Madonna di Campiglio é su due costruzioni adiacenti: la più antica é un piccolo gioiello di montagna mentre la più grande é un po' spartana però senza essere pretenziosa.
At the Campo Carlomagno pass there is the Church dedicated to the MADONNA D'EUROPA (it is not the parish that is based in Madonna di Campiglio, see below and attached photos), a modern style church, very suitable for religious participation, without any pretense of avant-garde architecture. The parish church in Madonna di Campiglio is built on two adjacent buildings: the oldest is a small mountain jewel while the largest is a bit spartan but without being pretentious.
P Mm on Google

Worth to be there
Trần Minh Trí on Google

The first historical notes on Madonna di Campiglio date back to 1188 and are included in a letter to the Trento bishop, Corrado II from Beseno. At that time, in particular around 1180, a certain Mr. Raimondo built a little hospice in this area for his soul, in honour of the Blessed Virgin, the Mother of God, “to help the poor and to shelter the passing people at Monte Campiglio, in a solitary and uninhabited place where often who pass was pillaged and killed”. Santa Maria Antica ChurchSoon other believers added to the good Raimondo and they joined their properties; so, thanks also to the generous oblations of the benefactors, the monastery-hospice was enlarged and supplied with a chapel dedicated to the Holy Mary, from whom the home and the place took the name. For centuries the institution carried out the function of hosting and feeding the pilgrims. After some years, the original chapel was changed into a beautiful sanctuary with three naves and three altars till 1895, when it was demolished because it was crumbling. It was replaced with the present alpine little church in neo-Ghotic style, all in the local granite, that was inaugurated on 16th August 1895. The Austrian Court, who chose Madonna di Campiglio as summer resort, and first of all, the Francesco Giuseppe Emperor, wanted to bind their name to this sacred place, donating the pulpit and the confessional at the top of the nave (where the name of the Emperor is written both in German and Italian), the pine planking with the most popular Saints figure and some beautiful windows. On one of these windows the St. Bartolomeo apostle is represented, patron of the parish, who drew the knife of his martyrdom, while on another one there is the figure of Carlo Magno, who in some German dioceses was venerated as a saint and to his name is dedicated the near Pass. On the floor there is the Franz Joseph Oesterreicher tomb (1848-1909), the natural son – it is said – of the Austrian Emperor. On the decorated pews, you can read the names of the donators, written in Ghotic characters. Among them there is that of the Righi family, worthy for his member Gian Battista, who was the pioneer and the main promotor of the tourist development of Madonna di Campiglio. In the little church of Santa Maria Antica, there are some details that are worthy of particular attention from an artistic point of view: 1. The age-old Crucifix, in Nordic style, in the presbitery arch that dates back to the twelfth century. 2. The beautiful triptych of the Madonna with the Christ Child and Saints (St. Barbara with the chalice and St. Caterina with the martyrdom wheel) who dominates in the middle of the presbitery. Four episodes of the Vergin life (Annunciation, Crib, Visitation, the Magi Adoration) are represented and there are four pictures of the most famous Doctors of the Church. Moreover, there are eight family coats of arms, the most ancient of which is of the bishop Giovanni IV Hinderbach (benefactor and promotor of this hospice as other ones of the region). All the work is by Maestro Narciso School, famous figure of the Alto Adige sculpture and of the Late Ghotic period. 3. The wooden sculpture of the “Vergin of the Fic” of the Fourthteenth century, to which several pilgrims addressed for centuries.

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