3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact OVS

C.C. Al Battente, Via del Commercio, 52, 63100 Ascoli Piceno AP, Italy

acquistate un paio di ciabatte a cui si è scollata contemporaneamente ad entrambe la fascia superiore sotto la quale c'era ben nascosta la scritta Made in China il tutto alla modica cifra di 16.euro anche se poi portata a 7 euro ..ma solo in saldo ,le ciabatte in questione sono state usate 2 volte dal parcheggio alla spiaggia...100m circa.. incredibile se non lo avessi visto con i miei occhi...
bought a pair of slippers which was unstuck at the same time as both the upper band under which there was well hidden the writing Made in China all at the modest sum of 16.euro even if then increased to 7 euros ..but only in balance, the slippers in question were used twice from the parking lot to the beach ... about 100m .. incredible if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes ...
Maurizio Carradori on Google

Tutto perfetto. Abiti belli, prezzi buoni. Solo che c'è una commessa che secondo me non sa dove si trova... un giorno addirittura stava fumando dentro al negozio (non una sigaretta elettronica) stava davanti alla porta antincendio aperta ma comunque dentro al negozio.... mha!
All perfect. Beautiful dresses, good prices. Except that there is a saleswoman who in my opinion does not know where she is ... one day she was even smoking inside the shop (not an electronic cigarette) she was in front of the open fire door but still inside the shop .... mha!
Antonio Amatucci on Google

Gute Auswahl Preise ok Leider ist das Personal nicht so freundlich wie ich es erwarte. Die Dame war lieber mit aufräumen und wegräumen beschäftigt statt sich mit uns zu beschäftigen. So haben wir eben nur für 6 Euro gekauft und unser Geld woanders ausgegeben. Der laden ist leicht unübersichtlich gerade was die Kinder Abteilungen betrifft, muss lange suchen bis ich die richtige Größe gefunden hatte. Gerade weil die Verkäuferin nicht mit uns sprechen wollte obwohl wir italienisch sprechen und verstehen.
Good choice Prices ok Unfortunately, the staff is not as friendly as I expect. The lady was rather with tidying up and put away busy instead of dealing with us. So we just bought for 6 euros and spent our money elsewhere. The store is a bit confusing, especially as far as the children's departments are concerned, it takes me a long time to find the right size. Just because the saleswoman did not want to talk to us although we speak and understand Italian.
Patrizia Boni Bastia on Google

Personale maleducato Gli scaffali dei trucchi sporchi trucchi sporchi messi in disordine e non ci sono tutti i prezzi Il pavimento è tutto sporco In altri reparti non ci sono i prezzi nei trucchi mancavano anche dei pezzi Il contenitore delle mascherine è tutto sporco
Rude staff Dirty makeup shelves messed up dirty makeup and there aren't any prices The floor is all dirty In other departments there are no prices in the tricks were also missing pieces The mask container is all dirty
Alessandra Simonetti on Google

Negozio di abbigliamento ampio e monotono .Tutto posizionato in modo troppo attufato e sempre le stesse cose. Commesse antipatiche e per le sue .l' unica cosa che ci si riesce a comprare bene è l' abbigliamento per intimo .
Large and monotonous clothing store. All overly positioned and always the same things. Unpleasant orders and for his. The only thing that you can buy well is the clothing for underwear.
Stefano Vagnoni on Google

Pulito e ben fornito abiti non propio alla moda cmq bel negozio
Clean and well stocked clothes not really trendy cmq nice shop
Enrico Gaspari on Google

Piccolo negozio ma con vasta esposizione, adatto a giovani e meno giovani ed amanti dell'eleganza. Numerose e frequenti offerte per camicie sempre di qualità e non solo estetica. Personale qualificato e cortese.
Small shop but with vast exposure, suitable for young and less young and lovers of elegance. Numerous and frequent offers for shirts always of quality and not only aesthetics. Qualified and courteous staff.
Stéphane Métens on Google

Large choices of clothes

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