Oleificio Rosini - 48

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Oleificio Rosini

Address :

Via Peschereccia, 48, 60038 San Paolo di Jesi AN, Italy

Phone : 📞 +977797
Postal code : 60038
Website : http://www.oliorosini.it/
Categories :

Via Peschereccia, 48, 60038 San Paolo di Jesi AN, Italy
Claudio Piccinini on Google

Alta professionalità. Lavoro ben fatto ed anche ottimi consigli tanto utili.
High professionalism. Job well done and excellent advice that is very useful.
Michele Campo on Google

Esperienza, passione e cordialità. Da anni godiamo dei monovarietali e dell'ottimo Federico II. cessato il blocco intercomunale ci prepariamo per la fornitura annuale
Experience, passion and friendliness. For years we have enjoyed monovarietals and the excellent Federico II. once the inter-municipal blockade is over, we prepare for the annual supply
Sandra Donadello on Google

Durante una vacanza nelle Marche ci è stato segnalato l'oleificio Rosini. Siamo stati accolti con molto calore e abbiamo acquistato il loro olio che è ottimo. Per i nostri regali di Natale abbiamo ordinato vari prodotti oltre l'olio e il servizio è stato puntuale ed efficiente. Da consigliare assolutamente
During a vacation in the Marche, we were informed about the Rosini oil mill. We were warmly welcomed and bought their oil which is great. For our Christmas presents we ordered several products other than oil and the service was prompt and efficient. Absolutely to recommend
Angelo Ruggeri on Google

Se vuoi della qualità e serietà qui la puoi trovare. Non solo ma professionalità e capacità e gentilezza contraddistingue questo Oleificio
If you want quality and seriousness you can find it here. Not only that, but professionalism and ability and kindness distinguishes this oil mill
Ian Bosch on Google

Hier een olijfolie-proeverij gedaan. Enthousiaste mevrouw met goed Engels geeft vol passie een rondleiding door hun bedrijf en er kunnen verschillende soorten van hun eigen olijfolie geproeft worden, ook met hapjes erbij, en dat voor een zeer schappelijke 8 euro per persoon. Een leuke ervaring, zeker een aanrader.
Did an olive oil tasting here. Enthusiastic lady with good English gives a passionate tour of their company and different types of their own olive oil can be tasted, also with snacks, and that for a very reasonable 8 euros per person. A nice experience, definitely recommended.
Michael Commentz on Google

Ein kleiner Olivenlhersteller, der sehr feine Olivenöle anbietet. Wir konnten bei unserem Besuch alle Öle testen. Außerdem haben wir tolle Rezepte probieren können. Zum Beispiel Schokoladeneis mit einem Olivenöl mit Orangengeschmack. Ganz hervorragend! Wir wurden sehr freundlich bedient und es wurde uns alles erklärt. Hier hat man ein sehr gutes Gefühl beim Olivenölkauf. Ende letzten Jahres haben wir von Hamburg eine Sammelbestellung getätigt. Da die Ware sehr professionell verpackt war, gab es auch überhaupt keine Transportschäden. Wir können Oleificio Rosini mit sehr gutem Gewissen weiterempfehlen. Un piccolo produttore di olio d'oliva che offre oli d'oliva finissimi. Abbiamo potuto testare tutti gli oli durante la nostra visita. Abbiamo anche potuto provare ottime ricette. Ad esempio, gelato al cioccolato con olio d'oliva aromatizzato all'arancia. Abbastanza eccellente! Siamo stati serviti in modo molto cordiale e tutto ci è stato spiegato. Qui hai un'ottima sensazione quando acquisti l'olio d'oliva. Alla fine dello scorso anno abbiamo effettuato un ordine all'ingrosso da Amburgo. Poiché la merce è stata imballata in modo molto professionale, non si sono verificati danni durante il trasporto. Possiamo consigliare l'Oleificio Rosini con la coscienza molto pulita.
Ein kleiner Olivenlhersteller, der sehr feine Olivenöle anbietet. Wir konnten bei unserem Besuch alle Öle testen. Außerdem haben wir tolle Rezepte probieren können. Zum Beispiel Schokoladeneis mit einem Olivenöl mit Orangengeschmack. Ganz hervorragend! Wir wurden sehr freundlich bedient und es wurde uns alles erklärt. Hier hat man ein sehr gutes Gefühl beim Olivenölkauf. Ende letzten Jahres haben wir von Hamburg eine Sammelbestellung getätigt. From die Ware sehr professionell verpackt war, gab es auch überhaupt keine Transportschäden. Wir können Oleificio Rosini mit sehr gutem Gewissen weiterempfehlen. A small olive oil producer offering the finest olive oils. We were able to test all the oils during our visit. We also got to try great recipes. For example, chocolate ice cream with orange flavored olive oil. Quite excellent! We were served very friendly and everything explained to us. Here you have a great feeling when shopping for olive oil. At the end of last year we placed a bulk order from Hamburg. Since the goods were packed very professionally, no damage occurred during transport. We can recommend Oleificio Rosini with a very clear conscience.
Bruno Tuijt on Google

Grazie Nadia! We had a wonderful experience at Rosini. The tour we had was very informative and amusing. After that we were taught how to taste different kinds of (delicious) olive oils with many (surprising) bites. All of this had a very friendly price. Nadia was very hospitable and kind.
Tom Coppens on Google

We dropped by unannounced today and were very pleasantly surprised by the hospitality of Nadia and her family. She speaks with great passion in good English about olive oil and the company. She took all the time for us and we were allowed to taste everything. Definitely a must to visit!

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