Oasi WWF Il Caloggio

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Oasi WWF Il Caloggio

Address :

Via Caloggio, Via Giuseppe Verdi, 20021 Bollate MI, Italy

Postal code : 20021
Website : http://www.wwf.it/oasi/lombardia/il_caloggio/
Categories :
City : Bollate

Via Caloggio, Via Giuseppe Verdi, 20021 Bollate MI, Italy
Cristina Costa on Google

Avete provato la magia di queste sere con le lucciole che accendono il sottobosco?... peccato che tra i giovani non ci siano più volontari! Solo 20 anni fa eravamo molti a lavorarci...divertendoci
Have you experienced the magic of these evenings with the fireflies that light up the undergrowth? ... it's a pity that among the young people there are no more volunteers! Just 20 years ago we were a lot of people working on it ... having fun
Roberto Tonetti on Google

Piccola oasi creata nel 1993 migliorando boschi esistenti di robinia e ampliandoli con querce, olmi, aceri e ciliegi selvatici. Un torrentello la delimita a est. Fontanili con pozze acqua. Da febbraio a marzo interessanti fioriture nel sottobosco. Piccola fauna come rane, spervieri, picchi. Da qui si raggiunge Castellazzo. È un ambiente naturale, quindi se ha piovuto trovate fango: non lamentatevi e andate al parco centrale di Bollate.
Small oasis created in 1993 by improving existing black locust woods and expanding them with oak, elm, maple and wild cherry trees. A small stream borders it to the east. Fountains with water puddles. From February to March, interesting blooms in the undergrowth. Small fauna such as frogs, hawks, woodpeckers. From here you reach Castellazzo. It is a natural environment, so if it has rained you will find mud: don't complain and go to the central park of Bollate.
Loredana Brioschi on Google

Piccola oasi del WWF a bollate. Facilmente accessibile a piedi e in bicicletta.immersi in un bosco di robinie e altri alberi tipici del bosco di pianura. Confinante con gli accessi al parco delle groane
Small WWF oasis in Bollate. Easily accessible on foot and by bicycle, immersed in a wood of locust trees and other trees typical of the plain wood. Bordering the entrances to the groane park
Robin Flute on Google

Molto caratteristico, vicino all'area urbana ma abbastanza addentrato per il relax in mezzo alla natura. Alcuni sentieri dovrebbero essere sottoposti a qualche intervento manutentivo, per renderli meglio percorribili. È possibile incontrare qualche animaletto tipo leprotti, picchi ed altri.
Very characteristic, close to the urban area but deep enough for relaxation in the midst of nature. Some paths should be subjected to some maintenance, to make them better passable. It is possible to meet some small animals such as hares, woodpeckers and others.
maurizio Minora on Google

Oasi ben gestita e punto di partenza per passeggiate verso villa Arconati la Brughiera e il parco delle Groanr
Well managed oasis and starting point for walks towards Villa Arconati la Brughiera and the Groanr park
Paola Verga on Google

Bellissimo organizzato dal WWF, gratuito, interessante scoprire il territorio vicino, fiori, fauna, storia. Bravi continuate così.
Beautiful organized by the WWF, free, interesting to discover the nearby area, flowers, fauna, history. Well done keep it up.
Yosief III on Google

They call it Oasi but the animals are still caged and used to attract people inside. The excuse is "..there are animals which have been rescued and now can't survive in the wild.." but at the end it looks like a regular zoo
Nicoletta Galimberti on Google

I love this place. It is into the town.you don't need to go far away to find woods, a pond almost covered by water lilies, a villa of 1700 open on Sunday for a visit and with a place to have breakfast and some food ... I can go on listing what you can find there, but the most important thing is that you are surrounded by nature and silence. When I go there I breathe and relax, that's wonderful!

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