5/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 16, 04016 Sabaudia LT, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97788
Postal code : 04016
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :
City : Sabaudia

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 16, 04016 Sabaudia LT, Italy
Francesco Sci on Google

Ottime competenze, prezzi modici e tanta serietà e professionalità, consigliatissima.
Excellent skills, reasonable prices and a lot of seriousness and professionalism, highly recommended.
artemio rallo on Google

Persona splendida, professionale e sempre pronta in qualsiasi circostanza a dare Consigli utili. Super affidabile.
Beautiful person, professional and always ready in any circumstances to give useful advice. Super reliable.
Serafino Iommazzo on Google

Elevatissime doti non solo professionali ma anche e soprattutto umane. Sempre disponibile e cortese. La consiglio vivamente.
Very high not only professional but also and above all human skills. Always helpful and courteous. I highly recommend it.
Teodora Nigro on Google

Notaio giovane, ma già di comprovata esperienza. Grande capacità di analisi e non comune disponibilità al supporto del cliente anche nelle situazioni più complicate. Consiglio vivamente.
Young notary, but already with proven experience. Great analytical ability and uncommon availability to customer support even in the most complicated situations. I highly recommend.
Marco Gäbel on Google

Frau Parisi ist eine sehr professionelle, sehr gut vorbereitete und äußerst genau arbeitende Notarin. Ich hatte das Vergnügen sie im Rahmen eines komplizierten Immobiliengeschäftes kennen zu lernen und konnte mich von Ihren exzellenten Problemlösungsfähigkeiten überzeugen und kann sie daher wärmstens empfehlen.
Ms. Parisi is a very professional, very well prepared and extremely accurate notary. I had the pleasure of getting to know them in the context of a complicated real estate business and was able to convince myself of their excellent problem-solving skills and can therefore highly recommend them.
Maria Carmen Dionne on Google

La Dottoressa è stata molto chiara nel fornirci tutte le informazioni in maniera semplice e schematica. Sottolineo inoltre l'estrema precisione e disponibilità nel venire incontro anche alle ns esigenze in termini di organizzazione logistica e gestione a distanza.
The Doctor was very clear in giving us all in a simple and schematic information. also I emphasize the extreme accuracy and availability in coming ns also meet the requirements in terms of logistics and remote management organization.
Carla Borelli on Google

Questa PROFESSIONISTA mi ha fatto ricredere sui notai. Gentilissima, preparata, veloce, esaustiva, disponibile e potrei andare avanti all'infinito. Consigliatissima!!!
This PROFESSIONAL made me think again about notaries. Very kind, prepared, fast, comprehensive, available and I could go on forever. Highly recommended !!!
Ugo Caputo on Google

Professionista dalle notevoli capacità umane e professionali. Nonostante il difficile periodo, causa Covid ,è stato possibile con estrema facilità gestire a distanza ogni aspetto inerente alla compravendita. Per la nostra più che positiva esperienza la consigliamo vivamente.
Professional with remarkable human and professional skills. Despite the difficult period, due to Covid, it was possible with extreme ease to manage every aspect inherent to the sale from a distance. For our more than positive experience we highly recommend it.

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