Nonsolomaglia snc di Tania e Francesca Cucinotta - Pigiameria

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Contact Nonsolomaglia snc di Tania e Francesca Cucinotta - Pigiameria

Address :

Via Sant'Elia, 21, 98122 Messina ME, Italy

Phone : 📞 +997979
Website :
Categories :
City : Messina

Via Sant'Elia, 21, 98122 Messina ME, Italy
Raffaella Ingrassia on Google

Conoscevo il negozio ma non ero mai entrata. Stamattina per la prima volta varco la soglia e vengo investita da cordialità e gentilezza. Personale molto preparato e un'infinità di articoli. Grazie infinite.
I knew the shop but I had never entered. This morning for the first time I cross the threshold and I am invested with cordiality and kindness. Very well-trained staff and tons of articles. Thank you so much.
Angelica De Francesco on Google

Personale molto cortese e disponibile .... merce di qualità a prezzi ottimi! Sono molto soddisfatta?Consigliatissimo !!
Very courteous and helpful staff .... quality merchandise at great prices! I am very satisfied? Highly recommended !!
Melur Niame on Google

От случая к случаю, на протяжении многих лет делала покупки в этой мерчерие, и в целом, считала этот магазин приемлемым, хотя и с бедным ассортиментом товаров для рукоделия - бисер не то, что не японский или не чешский, а весь кривой, не известно какой марки, по дорогой цене; инструменты для вязания максимум марки pony или, как обычно, noname по цене addi - ну это общая проблема для Италии - бедность рынка товаров народного потребления. Сегодня, проходя мимо, решила узнать сколько стоят вязальные спицы и при случае купить. Надела маску, зашла внутрь помещения и сразу с 2-х сторон услышала сердитые окрики: "Синьора, что вам надо, что вы хотели, спрашивайте у двери на кассе". Немного придя в себя от такого обращения (как со случайно забредшим животным, которому нельзя переступать порога заведения) я спросила сколько стоят вязальные спицы №2 , на что получила, НЕ ОТВЕТ ПО СУЩЕСТВУ, а строгую команду: "Вы должны обработать руки нашей химией" Продолжать театр абсурда не было смысла, я не собиралась трогать товары в этом "храме торговли", примерять белье и т.п.. На сегодня нет закона, обязывающего ношение перчаток и обработку рук химией, меня просто интересовали вязальные спицы, в зависимости от пост-карантинной цены на них. Не желая получить аллергический дерматит от химии для рук, только чтобы узнать цену и возможно приобрести спицы, я посчитала за благо покинуть сей оплот гигиены и вежливости.
From time to time, for many years I made purchases in this mercury, and in general, I considered this store acceptable, although with a poor assortment of goods for needlework - the beads are not something that is not Japanese or Czech, but the whole curve, is not known what brand, at an expensive price; knitting tools maximum brand pony or, as usual, noname at the price of addi - well this is a common problem for Italy - the poverty of the consumer goods market. Today, passing by, I decided to find out how much knitting needles cost and on occasion to buy. She put on a mask, went inside the room and immediately from 2 sides heard angry shouts: "Signora, what do you want, what did you want, ask at the door at the box office". Having come to my senses a bit from such treatment (as with an accidentally wandered animal that cannot be crossed over the threshold of the establishment) I asked how many knitting needles number 2 cost, which I received, NOT AN ANSWER ON THE SUBSTANCE, but a strict command: “You must process your hands with our chemistry” There was no point in continuing the theater of absurdity, I was not going to touch the goods in this "temple of commerce", try on linen, etc. Today there is no law requiring the wearing of gloves and the handling of hands with chemistry, I was just interested in knitting needles, depending on the post -quarantine prices for them. Not wanting to get allergic dermatitis from chemistry for my hands, just to find out the price and possibly buy knitting needles, I considered it a blessing to leave this stronghold of hygiene and courtesy.
giovanna calatozzolo on Google

Vasto assortimento di qualità e buon gusto. Capi di abbigliamento originali. Personale molto cortese e attento alle esigenze del cliente.
Wide range of quality and good taste. Original clothing. Staff very courteous and attentive to customer needs.
Giovanni Bellamacina on Google

Nonsolomaglia delle Cucinotta Tanya è Francesca. Antico negozio che perpetua le tradizioni della qualità nei prodotti venduti. Ma non solo ai reparti vendita le titolare sono coadivuate da personale alle vendita molto valide. Consiglio.
Nonsolomaglia delle Cucinotta Tanya is Francesca. Ancient shop that perpetuates the traditions of quality in the products sold. But not only to the sales departments the owners are coadivuated by very valid sales staff. Advice.
Teresa Cuce' on Google

Buona la qualità degli articoli e vasta la scelta. Gentile il personale. A parer mio si insiste un po' a sollecitare la clientela ad effettuare ulteriore merce non richiesta. ?
The quality of the articles is good and the choice is vast. Friendly staff. In my opinion, there is a little insistence on urging customers to carry out additional unsolicited goods. ?
Andrea musolino on Google

Negozio in città molto assortito con tanti marchi di alta qualità...personale attento e sempre disponibile...consiglio
Very assorted shop in the city with many high quality brands ... attentive and always available staff ... I recommend

Questa è la terza volta in circa un mese e mezzo che mi reco in questo negozio. Le prime due volte erano andate sostanzialmente bene. Commessa affabile e sorridente, gentile e garbata nel guidarci nelle scelte. Ho tra vari articoli speso una discreta somma e lo avrei continuato a fare se non fosse stato per oggi. Mi reco presso questo negozio per comprare due mascherine (forse troppo poco?) e mi serve quella che ritengo essere la proprietaria/responsabile del negozio poiché vista spesso alla cassa. Sgarbata, spazientita e di premura. Io lo immagino che avere a che fare con noi clienti sia uno stress, le stesse domande ripetute, la necessità di farvi perdere tempo, la lunghezza della decisioni ma fate i commercianti, non i magazinieri di una azienda. Il vostro lavoro è con il pubblico. Faccio anche io un lavoro a contatto con il pubblico e so che la pazienza si può perdere solo quando le persone sono maleducate con me. Negli altri casi non conviene se si fa il commerciante.O forse la signora ritiene di avere già abbastanza clienti, che fidelizzare un cliente nuovo che porta entrate mensili e magari altri clienti tra parenti ed amici non le serva. Beh in tal caso buon per lei. Di base mancano i commercianti di un tempo, quelli che ti vendevano tutto con professionalità. Che anche per una spagnoletta di cotone erano garbati perché sapevano che quella garbatezza poteva volere dire 10 spagnolette la volta dopo. Saluti.
This is the third time in about a month and a half that I go to this shop. The first two times had gone substantially well. Affable and smiling saleswoman, kind and polite in guiding us in our choices. I have spent a fair amount among various articles and I would have continued to do it had it not been for today. I go to this shop to buy two masks (maybe too little?) And I need what I believe to be the owner / manager of the shop since I often see her at the checkout. Rude, impatient and caring. I imagine that dealing with us customers is a stress, the same repeated questions, the need to make you waste time, the length of the decisions but you are the merchants, not the magazinieri of a company. Your job is with the public. I also do a job in contact with the public and I know that patience you can only lose when people are rude to me. In other cases it is not convenient if you are a merchant, or perhaps the lady believes that she already has enough customers, that retaining a new customer who brings monthly income and maybe other customers between relatives and friends does not serve her. Well in that case good for you. Basically there are no traders of the past, those who sold everything with professionalism. That even for a cotton espagnoletta they were polite because they knew that gentleness could mean 10 espagnolette the next time. Greetings.

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