Noleggio Gommoni ed Escursioni Brezza Marina

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Noleggio Gommoni ed Escursioni Brezza Marina

Address :

Via Molo S. Leonardo, 31, 91023 Favignana TP, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98978
Postal code : 91023
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Categories :
City : Favignana

Via Molo S. Leonardo, 31, 91023 Favignana TP, Italy
Marco Bonelli on Google

Venite a Favignana e godetevi l'isola! Ma per godervi l'isola dovete necessariamente fare un'escursione in barca. Io e la mia compagna Caterina l'abbiamo fatta con la Brezza Marina (molto facile da trovare, andate al porto e c'è l'info point). Ho avuto la fortuna di trovare Nicolai, per me una leggenda. È uno skipper, storico, mattatore allo stesso tempo. Grazie grande Nicco, ti aspettiamo in Toscana. ❤️
Come to Favignana and enjoy the island! But to enjoy the island you must necessarily take a boat trip. My partner Caterina and I did it with the Sea Breeze (very easy to find, go to the port and there is the info point). I was lucky enough to find Nicolai, a legend for me. He is a skipper, a historian, a star performer at the same time. Thanks great Nicco, we are waiting for you in Tuscany. ❤️
Sabrina Bosia on Google

Abbiamo noleggiato le bici a pedalata assistita per poter visitare l'isola in libertà durante la nostra settimana di soggiorno a Favignana. Abbiamo così raggiunto tutta l'isola come se fosse una vacanza avventura... Antonio e il suo staff, in particolare (l'Arcangelo) Gabriele, ci hanno coccolate tutte le sere controllando meticolosamente che l'attrezzatura fosse apposto e deliziato con la loro simpatia ed efficienza. Top! Ritorneremo sicuramente
We rented pedal assisted bikes to be able to visit the island freely during our week of stay in Favignana. We thus reached the whole island as if it were an adventure holiday ... Antonio and his staff, in particular (the Archangel) Gabriel, pampered us every evening by meticulously checking that the equipment was in place and delighted with their sympathy and efficiency. Top! We will definitely be going back
Claudia Carletti on Google

Bravissimi e disponibilissimi Abbiamo noleggiato siamo gli scooter che una barca a motore per un giorno con skipper, un vero capitano che ci ha accompagnato in giro x Favignana raccontandoci pure della sua vita sul mare.
Very good and extremely available We rented the scooters and a motor boat for a day with a skipper, a real captain who accompanied us around Favignana, also telling us about his life on the sea.
Elena Busi on Google

Abbiamo effettuato il giro in barca dell'isola, su uno yacht di 17m. L'imbarcazione era pulita, il personale di bordo (nel nostro caso Nicolai e Francesco) gentili, simpaticissimi e cordiali, ci hanno fatto sentire a casa. Il rapporto qualità prezzo è ottimo, avevamo a disposizione acqua e vino, il pranzo, inclusivo di antipasto, primo, frutta e dolce (tutto eccezionale) tutto compreso nel prezzo. Siamo stati fortunati perché abbiamo avuto il mare calmo, abbiamo potuto fare 4 bagni (cala del pozzo, cala del preveto, cala azzurra e cala Rossa). Nicolai ci ha detto che il giro può essere diverso, dipende da diversi fattori. A noi è piaciuto tantissimo, complimenti!! Consigliato!!
We took the boat tour of the island, on a 17m yacht. The boat was clean, the crew (in our case Nicolai and Francesco) kind, very nice and friendly, they made us feel at home. The value for money is excellent, we had water and wine available, lunch, inclusive of appetizer, first course, fruit and dessert (all exceptional) all included in the price. We were lucky because we had a calm sea, we were able to take 4 baths (cala del pozzo, cala del preveto, cala azzurra and cala Rossa). Nicolai told us that the lap can be different, it depends on several factors. We loved it, congratulations! Advised!!
Andrea Scarpato on Google

Abbiamo noleggiato un gommone per una giornata e ci siamo trovati benissimo. Michele ci ha consigliato quali zone dell'isola visitare in base al vento ed è stato molto utile. L'imbarcazione era un modello molto recente, davvero ben equipaggiata (tendalino, scaletta di poppa, doppio prendisole - raro su un 5,5 metri, borsa frigo, teak, oltre alle dovute dotazioni di sicurezza) e ci è stata consegnata pulita e col pieno di acqua e benzina. Un ringraziamento anche agli altri ragazzi del team che sono stati molto gentili!
We hired a dinghy for a day and had a great time. Michele advised us which areas of the island to visit based on the wind and was very helpful. The boat was a very recent model, very well equipped (awning, aft ladder, double sundeck - rare on a 5.5 meter boat, cooler bag, teak, in addition to the necessary safety equipment) and was delivered to us clean and with full of water and petrol. Thanks also to the other guys on the team who were very kind!
Martina on Google

Great experience of Favignana with Nikolai. We participated to the excursion to discover Favignana by boat, unfortunately due to weather we could not stop in Cala Rossa for the first bath, however the following two stops were great. During the tour we had lunch included, Nikolai and his crew made a lots of 'bruschettas' with different toppings, an amazing pasta with pesto trapanese and some pastry to close the lunch 'with fireworks'. Thank you guys, and we definitely recommend the tour!
Jeremi Wójcicki on Google

Scooter rental prices are very inflated: asking price of 70 eur/day. In the center of the town we've found rentals in 20-25 eur range. Ebikes 20 eur per day, however elsewhere you can find them for 15. Technical condition of ebikes was quite good but they were very dusty. In terms of service: some staff members were kind, however others not caring or impolite. Summing it up: they seem to get advantage of attractive location (just by the harbour, where most tourists arrive) to rip people off. My advice: negotiate prices hard or look for an honest deal in rental places "downtown"
Henrique Campos on Google

Rented electric bikes. Nice personnel, good quality bikes for fair price. Perfect transport to spend the day in the island.

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