Noleggio Bici

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Noleggio Bici

Address :

Via dei Canottieri, 21, 21100 Varese VA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : Varese

Via dei Canottieri, 21, 21100 Varese VA, Italy
Roberto Mauri on Google

Buon noleggio bici ed e-bike...prezzi ok.
Good bike and e-bike rental ... prices ok.
Sandra Müller on Google

Die Fahrräder sind in einem katastrophalen Zustand, sind bergauf überhaupt nicht zu fahren, sehr schlechte Übersetzung. Und die Aussage es sei alles flach, ist total falsch, es ging ständig bergauf und bergab, nur das sie ihre misserablen Fahrräder vermietet bekommen. Wir raten dringend davon ab, macht null Bock...!
The bikes are in disastrous condition, cannot be driven uphill at all, very poor gear ratio. And the statement that everything was flat is totally wrong, it was constantly uphill and downhill, only that they got their unsavory bicycles for rent. We strongly advise against it, don't mind ...!
Marilina Colombo on Google

Titolare gentile e disponibile. Biciclette abbastanza datate ma per il giro attorno al lago sono state più che comode. Prezzi buoni. Una bella giornata .
Kind and helpful owner. Quite dated bikes but for the ride around the lake they were more than comfortable. Good prices. A nice day .
Marco Rivolta on Google

Il titolare è stato molto disponibile. Tuttavia le biciclette sono in pessime condizioni, la mia ragazza era costretta a fermarsi di continuo poiché si sfilava la catena della sua bicicletta. Inoltre ci ha conteggiato un'ora in più rispetto all'orario effettivo, facendoci 5 euro di sconto per il problema della catena. Sicuramente è comodo perché è proprio a ridosso della pista ciclabile, ma bisogna pattuire bene l'orario di arrivo e tenere in considerazione che le biciclette sono malridotte.
The owner was very helpful. However the bikes are in very bad condition, my girlfriend was forced to stop constantly because her bicycle chain slipped off. He also counted us an hour more than the actual time, giving us 5 euros discount for the chain problem. It is certainly convenient because it is right next to the cycle path, but you have to agree on the arrival time well and take into consideration that the bicycles are in poor condition.
luca cattaneo on Google

Super panini!!! Rapporto qualità prezzo ai massimi livelli. Una volta che lo provi non riesci a farne a meno!!! Consigliatissimo!!!!!?
Super sandwiches !!! Value for money at the highest levels. Once you try it you can't do without it !!! Highly recommended !!!!!?
Valeria Isola on Google

Grazie, sig. Ahmed! Gentilissimo, mi ha riparato la bici a domicilio (abito vicino alla Schiranna ma non avevo modo di portargliela in loco). Ho anche provato in passato il noleggio, disponibile sul prezzo perché non potevo pedalare per troppo tempo.
Thank you, Mr. Ahmed! Dear, he repaired my bike at home (I live near the Schiranna but I had no way to bring it to him on site). I have also tried the rental in the past, available on the price because I could not pedal for too long.
Beauty Cloud on Google

Consigliatissimo. Dispone di bici sia elettriche, normali e per bambini. Danno a disposizione anche seggiolini e caschi. Io e le mie amiche e i nostri bimbi ci siamo divertite parecchio. Una mia amica non andava in bici da anni e non ha avuto problemi. Giornata bellissima e il proprietario oltre che essere molto disponibile e cordiale ci ha anche fatto lo sconto per bimbi. Do 5 stelle perché spesso andiamo sul lago di Varese per scappare da Milano e ormai il noleggio alla schiranna è la nostra tappa preferita.
Highly recommended. It has both electric, normal and children's bikes. Child seats and helmets are also available. My friends and I and our children had a lot of fun. A friend of mine hadn't ridden a bike for years and had no problems. Beautiful day and the owner as well as being very helpful and friendly also gave us a discount for children. I give 5 stars because we often go to Lake Varese to escape from Milan and now the schiranna rental is our favorite stop.
Pandu Bagus Pekerti on Google

The owner of the Bike shop is very kind and not annoying. The price was also not that expensive. Considering this bike rental was one and maybe only bike rental service in the area. Some of the bike looks dirty, but the braking system and also the transmission system is well maintained. I highly recommend this place.

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