Muggia City Hall

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Contact Muggia City Hall

Address :

Piazza Marconi, 1, 34015 Muggia TS, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 34015
Website :
Categories :
City : Muggia

Piazza Marconi, 1, 34015 Muggia TS, Italy
Antonio Vergallo on Google

Muggia è un comune italiano del Friuli-Venezia Giulia. È il comune situato più a meridione della regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia ed è, assieme a San Dorligo della Valle, l'unico comune dell'Istria rimasto italiano. Il territorio comunale è caratterizzato da un tipico paesaggio collinare costiero digradante verso il golfo di Trieste. Dalle propaggini occidentali del promontorio si può godere dello spettacolo (cosa che avviene in pochi altri luoghi dell'Italia) del tramonto sul mare Adriatico. Da visitare il Duomo, le stradine del centro storico, la zona archeologica ed il piccolo porto con vista sul golfo di Trieste. Comune tranquillo, pulito e ben amministrato e abitanti ospitali.
Muggia is an Italian town in Friuli-Venezia Giulia. It is the southernmost municipality of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region and is, together with San Dorligo della Valle, the only municipality in Istria that remains Italian. The municipal area is characterized by a typical coastal hilly landscape sloping down towards the Gulf of Trieste. From the western offshoots of the promontory you can enjoy the spectacle (which happens in few other places in Italy) of the sunset over the Adriatic Sea. To visit the Cathedral, the narrow streets of the historic center, the archaeological area and the small port overlooking the Gulf of Trieste. Quiet, clean and well-managed community and hospitable inhabitants.
Swami Pellegrini on Google

bella muja
Nadica Marjanović on Google

Furio Crevatin on Google

My city❤
Tamara Kragic on Google

Wonderfully small place with lovely people ❤️
JM PR on Google

A must-see! One of my favorite halls in the world ??
jerome martinbuhet on Google

Quiet friendly village
Brian C Rolfe on Google

The northernmost town in Istria and the southernmost town in Zone A of the Free state of Trieste. Muggia has a separate history from Trieste despite being so close. Today the two are linked by sea by the Green Dolphin which carries people and their bikes.

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