Mozzone Fratelli Srl

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Mozzone Fratelli Srl

Address :

Via del Bricco, 8, 12040 Salmour CN, Italy

Phone : 📞 +979
Postal code : 12040
Website :
Categories :
City : Salmour

Via del Bricco, 8, 12040 Salmour CN, Italy
Danut Droniuc on Google

Livia Kast on Google

Una dita che sta crescendo
A growing finger
Valeriu Florin Irimia on Google

Azienda fabbricante legnami, segati, strutture legno. Personale molto svelto e amichevole.
Company manufacturing timber, sawn timber, wooden structures. Very quick and friendly staff.
Андрей Богдан on Google

Стою на выгрузке 5 часов.третий в очереди был.выгрузили одну машину и сейчас обед вроде 2 часа!)походу буду смену тут закрывать
I stand at the unloading for 5 hours. The third in the queue was. Unloaded one car and now lunch is like 2 hours!) I will close the shift here.
Драган Јаворац on Google

Истовар је био најбржи до сада, краће је трајао истовар него отварање камиона. Једино би дама из бироа могла бити мало расположенија. Макар онај обавезни корпоративни смијешак када вам дођу добављачи или купци.
The unloading was the fastest so far, the unloading took shorter than the opening of the truck. Only the lady from the bureau could be a little more in the mood. At least that obligatory corporate smile when suppliers or customers come to you.
sorin nistor on Google

O acritură și ințepată de fată la birou de nu sa mai văzut!!! A sour and stinging girl at the office has never been seen before !!! Una ragazza acida e pungente in ufficio non è mai stata vista prima!!!
A sour and stinging girl at the office has never been seen before !!! A sour and stinging girl at the office has never been seen before !!! A sour, stinging girl in the office has never been seen before !!!
hoody immrtl on Google

Byłem jedyny więc wjechałem od razu. Mali miejsca na manewry dla operatora wózka i rozladunek na 2 boki, ale dość sprawnie
Andrei Punct on Google

Fast load

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