Molini Pivetti

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Molini Pivetti

Address :

Via di Renazzo, 67, 44042 Cento FE, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 44042
Website :
Categories :
City : Cento

Via di Renazzo, 67, 44042 Cento FE, Italy
Claudia Galletti on Google

Da una azienda attenta al prodotto mi aspetterei di trovare indicazioni sul riciclo delle confezioni, che invece manca completamente. Tutti attenti all'ambiente solo a parole
From a company attentive to the product I would expect to find indications on the recycling of the packaging, which instead is completely missing. All environmentally conscious only in words
Isnad Cogic on Google

Dugo se čeka na istovar
It takes a long time to unload
cesare esposito on Google

Devo dire che sono migliorati molto, negli ultimi anni si sono aggiornati come struttura, molto bene.
I must say that they have improved a lot, in recent years they have updated as a structure, very well.
Károly Horváth on Google

Egy kicsit bonyolultnak tünt elsőre ez a rendszer, de viszonylag gyorsan leszedett, korrekt a cég. Zuhany is jó.
This system seemed a bit complicated at first, but the company picked it up relatively quickly, fair. Shower is also good.
Paulo on Google

Porażka,przyjazd 8:50 wezwanie do załadunku 17.. Niestety koniec czasu i do następnego dnia ? Rejestracja na komputerku ,nawet nie ma kogo się zapytać o co kolwiek..Parking spory,na noc można stać,toaleta toi toi
Failure, arrival 8:50 call for loading 17 .. Unfortunately, the end of time and until the next day ? Registration on the computer, there is even no one to ask about anything .. Parking disputes, you can stand overnight, toilet toi toi
Andrzej Buczek on Google

Dziadostwo rejestracja w budzie nie po Polsku długi czas oczekiwania na rozładunek
Dziadstwo, registration in a kennel, not in Polish, long waiting time for unloading
Sergio Chiari on Google

La lungimiranza non è una dote che appartiene a chi ha voluto questa mostruosità nel centro del paese, proprio di fronte a una scuola elementare. Grossi camion transitano continuamente creando disagi alla viabilità e danneggiando il manto stradale , smog , ecc...
Farsightedness is not a talent that belongs to those who wanted this monstrosity in the center of the country, right in front of an elementary school. Large trucks pass continuously creating inconvenience to traffic and damaging the road surface, smog, etc ...
Petar Karnik on Google


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