
3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Miramare

Address :

47924 Rimini RN, Italy

Categories :
City : Rimini

47924 Rimini RN, Italy
Vanessa Vigeni on Google

Il nuovo lungomare di Miramare, pieno di verde e spazio per fare passeggiate e andare in bicicletta
The new promenade of Miramare, full of greenery and space for walking and cycling
Alessio on Google

"sconto" per votazioni non applicabile se non si acquista anche il ritorno (preciso che sul sito questa truffa non compare) Mi avete tolto un diritto fondamentale, siete dei criminali.
"discount" for votes not applicable if you do not buy the return (I specify that this scam does not appear on the site) You have taken away a fundamental right from me, you are criminals.
Teo Zen on Google

Ce solo una macchinetta self service per fare i biglietti, non accetta banconote e il lettore contactless non funziona (provato con più carte), un po di manutenzione non guasterebbe
There is only a self-service machine to make tickets, it does not accept banknotes and the contactless reader does not work (tried with more cards), a little maintenance would not hurt
Lino Fe on Google

Località facilmente raggiungibile col treno nel periodo estivo, collegata col centro di Rimini da frequenti autobus.
Location easily accessible by train in summer, connected to the center of Rimini by frequent buses.
Simone on Google

Posto da visitare almeno una volta nella vita
Place to visit at least once in a lifetime
Salvatore Perrone on Google

Miramare è una frazione marina di Rimini e si trova a sud vicino a Riccione. Classica frazione marina popolosa d'estate, in quanto piena di condomini di seconde case, d'inverno popolata da pochi residenti molti dei quali extracomunitari. Comunque e servita dall'aeroporto internazionale FELLINI, dalla linea Trenovia e ferrovia
Miramare is a seaside hamlet of Rimini and is located to the south near Riccione. Classic seaside village populated in summer, as it is full of condominiums of second homes, in winter populated by a few residents, many of whom are immigrants. However, it is served by the FELLINI international airport, by the Trenovia and railway lines
Catwalk Blonde on Google

Маленькая и уютная станция. Большой плюс - это расположение. Всего 15 минут пешком от аэропорта. Но лучше идти по навигатору Google, самостоятельно найти маршрут будет трудно. Примерно 300 метров пути возле аэропорта, не имеют пешеходной дороги, придется идти по проезжей части. Когда вы окажетесь на станции, вам интуитивно будет понятно какой путь выбрать, чтобы сесть на нужный поезд. Также там есть удобный автомат для покупки билетов, не обязательно заказывать их онлайн. Недалеко от станции есть кафе, можно посидеть и перекусить перед путешествием. Также здесь есть лавочки для ожидания. Все удобно и очень комфортно! Приятного вам путешествия!
Small and cozy station. A big plus is the location. Just 15 minutes walk from the airport. But it is better to go on Google Navigator, it will be difficult to find the route yourself. About 300 meters of the way near the airport, do not have a pedestrian road, you will have to go on the road. When you find yourself at the station, you will intuitively understand which path to take to get on the desired train. Also there is a convenient machine for buying tickets, it is not necessary to order them online. Near the station there is a cafe, you can sit and have a snack before the trip. There are also benches for waiting. Everything is convenient and very comfortable! Enjoy your trip!
jim hawkins on Google

nice beach well set out

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