Minini & C. (S. R. L.) società unipersonale - Cassacco

3.5/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Minini & C. (S. R. L.) società unipersonale

Address :

6 Via Sandro Pertini, Cassacco, UD 33010, Italy

Phone : 📞 +989
Postal code : 33010
Website :
Categories :

6 Via Sandro Pertini, Cassacco, UD 33010, Italy
Giuseppe Crescitelli on Google

Maurizio Di Liberto on Google

Cristian Feregotto on Google

Azienda in forte crescita con elevate capacità imprenditoriali.
Fast growing company with high entrepreneurial skills.
Gabriele Marinelli (PleXelite) on Google

Azienda leader nel settore. Si distingue per serieta', professionalita' e precisione. Personale molto qualificato e grande disponibilita' del titolare.
Leading company in the sector. It stands out for its seriousness, professionalism and precision. Very qualified staff and great availability of the owner.

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