Marlò - Beef Bar

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Marlò - Beef Bar

Address :

Via Cordova, 34, 92015 Raffadali AG, Italy

Phone : 📞 +989
Postal code : 92015
Categories :
City : Raffadali

Via Cordova, 34, 92015 Raffadali AG, Italy
Ornella Argento on Google

Salumi di qualità, il personale molto disponibile e cortese. Complimenti
Quality meats, very helpful and courteous staff. Well done
Antonino Iacono Manno on Google

Una vera sorpresa. Bel posto e mi è piaciuto tutto. Ci ritornerò.
A real surprise. Nice place and I liked everything. I'll be back.
Alberto Bellavia on Google

Molta confusione, non di persone ma di idee. Personale numeroso ma servizio lento e poco accurato. Forse gestire contemporaneamente la zona esterna con bar e l'interno con la ristorazione non è una scelta saggia. la continua spola del personale tra l'esterno e l'interno crea caos e disagio, anche a causa del freddo che entra nel locale ad ogni apertura della porta. La pasta era indietro con la cottura forse perché dopo l'eccessiva attesa hanno forzato i tempi (comunque gusto e presentazione lasciano delusi). La carne era buona e consiglierei di concentrarsi solo su questa, vera vocazione primigenia del locale. Non abbiamo provato i dolci perché dopo 3 ore solo per antipasto e primo abbiamo pensato che non era il caso sfidare la sorte e rischiare di finire per fare merenda. Prezzi non eccessivi, unica nota che stempera l'umore del cliente. Sull'onda dell'emozione eviterei il bis, ma con qualche aggiustamento e idee più semplici e chiare forse...........
A lot of confusion, not of people but of ideas. Large staff but slow and inaccurate service. Perhaps managing the outside area with the bar and the inside with the restaurant at the same time is not a wise choice. the continuous shuttling of staff between the outside and inside creates chaos and discomfort, also due to the cold that enters the room every time the door is opened. The pasta was behind in cooking perhaps because after the excessive wait they forced the times (however, taste and presentation leave you disappointed). The meat was good and I would recommend focusing only on this, the true primeval vocation of the place. We did not try the desserts because after 3 hours only for appetizer and first course we thought that it was not the case to tempt fate and risk ending up having a snack. Prices are not excessive, the only note that softens the customer's mood. On the wave of emotion I would avoid the encore, but with some adjustments and simpler and clearer ideas maybe ...........
Luca Ciociano on Google

Locale con una bellissima atmosfera, panini buonissimi e ottimi cocktail. Tutto fantastico ?
A place with a great atmosphere, delicious sandwiches and excellent cocktails. All great ?
Angelo천사 on Google

The service is really really really really bad
Medi Lacloufi on Google

Felicity Hollowell on Google

What a refreshing change from some of our restaurants in the agrigento region. The setting was beautiful and would of thought this restaurant was in Raffadali. Great service and all of them attempted some English. We even managed to have a have a little laugh with one of your team( our sicilian is terrible). Food was fantastic, especially the pulled pork!!! We were very full after. Great job and see you all next year.
Giovanni Luca Randisi on Google

Very nice beef and cocktail bar with big area outside. We had several drinks, a starter ( one of raw fish and one raw meat) and 2 burgers. Fully satisfied.

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