Lido Casablanca Beach

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Lido Casablanca Beach

Address :

Contrada Mortelletto, 89844 Nicotera Marina VV, Italy

Phone : 📞 +989897
Categories :
City : Nicotera Marina

Contrada Mortelletto, 89844 Nicotera Marina VV, Italy
Claudio Muzzupappa on Google

Lido discreto mare no
Lido discreet sea no
Ilaria Bagnato on Google

Lido accogliente e personale attento alle esigenze, simpatici e cortesi. Lido consigliatissimo!
Lido welcoming and staff attentive to needs, friendly and courteous. Lido highly recommended!
Bagnato Carmelo on Google

Panoramica bellissima contatto con la natura marina.. spiaggia e tanto sole..
Beautiful panoramic contact with marine nature .. beach and lots of sun ..
Sensei Simone on Google

Ho cenato in questo lido, ho provato l'antipasto di pesce, ma non mi è piaciuto a mio parere era riscaldato, il primo sempre di pesce non era un granché, prezzi sopra la media.
I had dinner in this beach, I tried the fish appetizer, but I didn't like it in my opinion it was heated, the first fish was not that great, prices above average.
Francesco Carbone on Google

Posto incantevole, tranquillo e personale molto gentile.
Lovely place, quiet and very nice staff.
Valerio on Google

Siamo andati a mare come nostra consuetudine sulla spiaggia libera,dopo aver sistemato l'ombrellone e sistemato la nostra roba...iniziamo a sentire un prurito su tutto il corpo..eravamo pieni di moscerini...sia la borsa che l'asciugamano erano invasi...non so o hanno sversato qualcosa sulla spiaggia...comunque noi e altri bagnanti siamo stati costretti ad andarcene...una delusione...basta inquinare le nostre spiagge coi rifiuti non se ne può più!!!
We went to the sea as our custom on the free beach, after having arranged the umbrella and arranged our stuff ... we begin to feel an itch all over the body .. we were full of midges ... both the bag and the towel they were invaded ... I don't know or they spilled something on the beach ... anyway we and other swimmers were forced to leave ... a disappointment ... it is enough to pollute our beaches with waste!
David Ciotti on Google

Stabilimento semplice, ma accogliente . Un elogio alla signora del bar che è sempre sorridente e cordiale..cosa per me basilare,ma sempre più rara da trovare nelle attività commerciali . I prezzi sono alla portata di tutti!
Simple but welcoming establishment. A praise to the lady of the bar who is always smiling and friendly .. something basic for me, but increasingly rare to find in commercial activities. Prices are within everyone's reach!
Roberto Ranieli on Google

Super Lido am Ende der Strasse ein bisschen ausserhalb von Nicotera Marina gerade vor Beginn der 'Pineta'. Normale Preise. Nette Bedienung, Ali & Rosi sind immer für einen da. Es gibt eine kleine Bar mit Cafe und Gelati, Dusche, Volleyball Feld und zwei Rutschen. Kanu Boote kann man ebenfalls mieten. Der Lido ist für Leute geeignet die gerne abseits von Lärm und 'troubles' sind. Hier kann man gemütlich relaxen und den Strand geniessen. Der Strand ist sehr sauber gepflegt. Es geht immer ein gemütlicher Wind der am Nachmittag stärker wird. Ein Paradies für Surfer.
Super Lido at the end of the road a bit outside of Nicotera Marina just before the start of the 'Pineta'. Normal prices. Nice service, Ali & Rosi are always there for you. There is a small bar with cafe and gelati, shower, volleyball field and two slides. Canoe boats can also be rented. The Lido is suitable for people who like to be away from noise and 'troubles'. Here you can relax and enjoy the beach. The beach is very clean. There is always a cozy wind that gets stronger in the afternoon. A paradise for surfers.

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