Legatoria Artigiana Fascioli

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Legatoria Artigiana Fascioli

Address :

Viale Abruzzi, 64, 20131 Milano MI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +978
Categories :
City : Milano

Viale Abruzzi, 64, 20131 Milano MI, Italy
Grazia Gadolini on Google

Veramente bravi molto gentili consiglieri accorti
Really good very kind wise advisors
Paolo Martini on Google

Il fascino della bella carta e del lavoro artigianale di una volta
The charm of the beautiful paper and the craftsmanship of the past
silvia bollani on Google

Cortese, gentilezza e il tuffo in un mondo che sembra appartenere ad un altro secolo.
Courtesy, kindness and the dive into a world that seems to belong to another century.
Stefano Villa on Google

Molto professionali e disponibili. Lavori molto pregiati, veri artigiani. Prezzi ottimi.
Very professional and helpful. Very fine works, true craftsmen. Great prices.
Gianluca Pagani on Google

Mi servo da loro da tanti anni, e devo dire che fanno il loro lavoro con amore.
I have been using them for many years, and I must say that they do their job with love.
Elisabetta de Luca on Google

Questo negozio ti riporta indietro nel tempo, a quando gli oggetti si costruivano interamente a mano. Consiglio i biglietti d'auguri, molto belli e raffinati
This shop takes you back in time, to when objects were built entirely by hand. I recommend greeting cards, very beautiful and refined
Elena Kostioukovitch on Google

Insuperabili! Sono ormai quindici anni che frequento la Legatoria Fascioli. Altissima professsionalità, grande impegno e l'attenzione per ogni dettaglio. Sono riusciti a restaurare i libri che mi sembravano distrutti senza speranza. Buon gusto, e grande amore per il proprio mestiere. Vorrei esprimere la mia grande soddisfazione.
Unbeatable! I have been attending the Legatoria Fascioli for fifteen years now. Very high professionalism, great commitment and attention to every detail. They succeeded in restoring the books that seemed hopelessly destroyed to me. Good taste, and great love for one's job. I would like to express my great satisfaction.
Lauren Plavisch on Google

A real legatoria (a "bindery"), which is uniquely Italian. Great place to find small handmade gift items, e.g., boxes, diaries, photo albums, picture frames, all covered in handmade paper, much of it made locally in Milan. You can also buy sheets of marbled paper. The owner is very nice and does custom binding.

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