Lago Bullicante EX-SNIA

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Lago Bullicante EX-SNIA

Address :

Via di Portonaccio, 230, 00176 Roma RM, Italy

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City : Roma

Via di Portonaccio, 230, 00176 Roma RM, Italy
Fabio C on Google

Un parco davvero niente male e poi basti pensare da dove nasce e qual’è la stia del posto, non si può certo non apprezzarlo. Il laghetto sembra essere sempre stato lì, con le sue particolarità è colori. Un bel polmone accanto a largo Preneste che non brilla certo per la sua salubrità e per lo smog! Da visitare almeno una volta
A really not bad park and then just think where it comes from and what the place is, you certainly can't help but appreciate it. The pond seems to have always been there, with its particularities and colors. A nice lung next to Largo Preneste that certainly does not shine for its healthiness and smog! To visit at least once
Gilda Agostini on Google

È una Piccola Oasi di verde , scoperta per caso con un piccolo lago naturale,che insieme ai resti industriali dello stabilimento della Snia, crea un'atmosfera particolare.. Da preservare assolutamente!
It is a small green oasis, discovered by chance with a small natural lake, which together with the industrial remains of the Snia factory, creates a special atmosphere. Absolutely to be preserved!
Giovanni Marcellitti on Google

La SNIA spa era una delle più importanti industrie chimiche e tessili nei primi decenni del '900, venne poi sottoposta ad amministrazione controllata e chiusa definitivamente nel 2010. La vasta aerea tra via di portonaccio e la prenestina rimaneva abbandonata ed i capannoni industriali lasciati nel degrado. Negli anni 90 si tentó una speculazione edilizia iniziando a costruire un enorme parcheggio multipiano in cemento armato. Durante i lavori di scavo, in modo del tutto imprevisto, cominció a sgorgare abbondante acqua pura dal sottosuolo che impedí la prosecuzione dell'opera creando un magico laghetto tra le rovine industriali. I nomi di alcune vie limitrofe come "Acqua Bullicante" e "Maranella" rimandano proprio alla esistenza di quella falda acquifera. Oggi è un'area protetta, ci sono tavoli da pic nic e panchine, giochi per bimbi, murales nonché specie di uccelli assai interessanti. Vi si pratica l'apicoltura e vengono svolte attività culturali degne di plauso. La vegetazione lussureggiante sta piano piano impossessandosi degli scheletri in cemento armato degli opifici abbandonati in una emozionante nemesi post industriale.
SNIA spa was one of the most important chemical and textile industries in the early decades of the 1900s, it was then subjected to controlled administration and closed definitively in 2010. The vast area between via di portonaccio and prenestina remained abandoned and the industrial buildings left in decay. . In the 90s a building speculation was attempted by starting to build a huge multi-storey car park in reinforced concrete. During the excavation works, in a completely unexpected way, abundant pure water began to gush from the subsoil which prevented the continuation of the work by creating a magical pond among the industrial ruins. The names of some neighboring streets such as "Acqua Bullicante" and "Maranella" refer precisely to the existence of that aquifer. Today it is a protected area, there are picnic tables and benches, games for children, murals as well as very interesting bird species. Beekeeping is practiced here and praiseworthy cultural activities are carried out. The luxuriant vegetation is slowly taking over the reinforced concrete skeletons of the abandoned factories in an exciting post-industrial nemesis.
Karan Paudel on Google

Wilson Silveira on Google

From what I have read and by actually have been in this place... The public does not want private development, then the city made it public but not invest a single penny to make it an asset for the city. In short, it's close to a dumpster zone. Although, it has all the potential to be a real landmark of Rome, but that is it.
Rio Jer on Google

Quite place , alot of students study here
Fayzan khalil on Google

You must visit this place if you want to breath fresh air and to refresh your mind...
Olli Vanhoja on Google

Despite it's suspicious looking location, the park is actually family safe.

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