La Nuova Bruschetta

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact La Nuova Bruschetta

Address :

Via Monsignor F. Semeraro, 8, 72017 Ostuni BR, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9998
Postal code : 72017
Website :
Categories :
City : Ostuni

Via Monsignor F. Semeraro, 8, 72017 Ostuni BR, Italy
Massimo Festa on Google

Posto fantastico e pizza buonissima
Fantastic place and very good pizza
Massimiliano Mazzei on Google

Siamo andati lì senza troppe pretese e siamo rimasti stupiti dalla qualità del cibo e dal loro sapore. Un grazie particolare allo staff, che, nonostante la confusione, ha comunque garantito un servizio impeccabile!
Sisifo 77 on Google

Abbiamo casa al mare qui da sempre e ci venivo da piccolo, ora i miei abitano a ostuni in pensione e spesso ci capito quando sono in loco, venendo da roma. la pizza è la migliore in zona , anche perche' ostuni per quanto bella ma non vanta un grossa scelta di ristoranti storici. LA bruchetta nel suo "piccolo" (sebbene abbiano anche una grossa sala interna spartana ma comoda), è una certezza, ha una vasta scelta di pizze e impasti, ma anche primi secondi e contorni contraddistinti dalla genuinita' classica che ti aspetti da un'osteria di paese. Top
We have always had a house by the sea here and I used to come there as a child, now my parents live in Ostuni in retirement and I often understand when they are there, coming from Rome. the pizza is the best in the area, also because ostuni as beautiful as it is but does not boast a large choice of historic restaurants. LA bruchetta in its "small" (although they also have a large spartan but comfortable internal room), is a certainty, it has a wide choice of pizzas and doughs, but also first seconds and side dishes characterized by the classic genuineness that you expect from a village tavern. Top
aldo in on Google

Abbiamo pranzato di domenica io e mia moglie... personale davvero gentile,gli antipasti davvero una squisitezza,tutto buono fresco e di qualità lo consiglio vivamente...
We had lunch on Sunday my wife and I ... really nice staff, really delicious appetizers, all good fresh and quality I highly recommend it ...
Daria Grzys on Google

Udałyśmy się do knajpy po przeczytaniu dobrych opinii i na tym się skończyło. Po tym było już tylko gorzej. Po zapytaniu kelnera czy maja w menu spaghetti carbonarę, pokiwał głową znacząco. W międzyczasie zamówiłyśmy regionalne piwo. 15 minut później podano makaron, to co zobaczyłyśmy przeszło nasze najśmielsze oczekiwania: Za 9 euro podano nam makaron z jajecznicą i surowym boczkiem. Bardzo ciężko było to zjeść. Po zjedzeniu połowy nie dałyśmy rady więcej. Szybko poprosiłyśmy o rachunek. Jedna gwizdka dla kelnera, który naprawdę bardzo się starał ! Nie polecamy tam jeść ! Najgorsze jedzenie w życiu, nie we Włoszech ! Dodatkowo naliczono nam 8 euro za obsługę i nakrycia.
We went to the pub after reading the good reviews and it ended there. After that, it only got worse. After asking the waiter if they had spaghetti carbonara on the menu, he nodded significantly. In the meantime, we ordered a regional beer. 15 minutes later the pasta was served, what we saw exceeded our wildest expectations: For 9 euro we were served pasta with scrambled eggs and raw bacon. It was very hard to eat. After eating half, we couldn't do more. We asked for a bill quickly. One whistle for the waiter who really tried hard! We do not recommend eating there! The worst food ever, not in Italy! Additionally, we were charged 8 euros for service and coverings.
Sharp79 Channel on Google

Ristorante carino ma me lo aspettavo piu' economico viste le porzioni scarse e la qualita' del cibo che non e' proprio il top, il pesce e' quello congelato e la pizza non e' una tra le piu' buone che ho mangiato, i tovaglioli sono di carta ( i classici fazzoletti di carta) ed abbiamo pagato pure 4 euro di coperto! Unica cosa buona che non abbiamo dovuto aspettare tantissimo tra una portata e l'altra, alla fine abbiamo pagato 39,50 euro e non abbiamo mangiato chissa' che. In zona come ristoranti per la stessa cifra c'e' di molto meglio, andateci se proprio non sapete dove cenare.
Nice restaurant but I expected it to be cheaper given the scarce portions and the quality of the food that is not exactly the best, the fish is frozen and the pizza is not one of the best I've eaten, the napkins are made of paper (the classic paper handkerchiefs) and we also paid a cover charge of 4 euros! The only good thing is that we didn't have to wait a long time between courses, in the end we paid 39.50 euros and we didn't eat who knows what. In the area as restaurants for the same price there is much better, go there if you really do not know where to dine.
ottavio luca tamborrino on Google

Very nice
Andrew Pringle on Google

Great service, great food. Easy to find. Had a Vegan and very accommodating.

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